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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. Ah, sucks - that so sweet of ye! :) I prolly exagerrated before, but if ye'd be willing to do it for me, it'd be grand, but it'd even be great if ye could just walk me through it. I'm okay at sewing general stuff, but leather is a new forte and like I said before, the practice trys I did kind of didn't turn out well.
  2. Okay, so last season I bought this gorgeous dagger right? But it didn't come with a sheath, just a display stand as it's really meant as more of a decorative piece. But I just love this thing and want to carry it on me for next season, just for looks. Being broke and cheap, I'm not sure i want to spend the money on the ones I've found online, so my questions are thus . . . a) does anyone have anyone have any patterns or directions on how to make one short of eyeballing it (which I've done . . .) also recommendations on materials provided I can't get my hands on some leather, might be nice. (Again, I've experimented with leatherish looking viynal, and it was a good thing. b)Anyone know of someplace I can order one within a minimal price range (think high-school student with part-time job and car insurance and grad fees to pay kind of cheap!)
  3. Very poetic, there Lady Snow - likening The Shire to Brigadoon. I like it! This is exicting - last year, even with my sister being an actress, I didn't get a chance to get to know any of the actors, but now I just might! Is anybody else as excited for the faire to start as I am? I'm going nuts here!!! Ah yes, the fight circle - fun stories with that. Last year at celtic fling, my one sister whiped the pants of me one best friend, but then, Irish Weekend, me other best friend - who mind you is a whopping 4'10" and3/16 - took my sister down in three blows, in a skirt none the less too! The question was raised how someone half my sister's size could beat her so badly. Yes, Rogue, maybe we'll have to make some excusions down that way . . . drag me away from the other places occasionally! What with my new fencing skills I'm learning, maybe I'll actually give the fight circle a try myself. Before, I didn't want to embarres myself in front of everyone.
  4. I put it down to intimidation . . . there were a lot of us Bridgettes . . . for a while there until I found other places to go. Bad buisness on the bridge . . . That's a very good idea about signing the songs and the like, LS. I believe it was a group of monks in the late 1500 who developed sign language so they could communicate during vows of silence.
  5. -promises- broken hearts
  6. still sick. playing hookie from school. going to the doctor later, then to the bank . . . I'm feeling bulldozed. My mum keeps pushing me around. Also feel desperate . . . for graduation so I can move out of the house! On a side note - I want to go to a Galifry convention!!!!
  7. btw . . . any news Lady Snow, I know auditions were over the weekend. How did they go?
  8. 'Course - during my times on the bridge, I've seen fellas kiss the bridge even when there was a whole line up of beautiful lasses waiting to be kissed. They must have been awfully fond of splinters in the mouth . . .
  9. Well, following a bit of a theme - I feel sick. Afraid that I'm soon going to be lost amid a mountain of tissues. On an emotional level - tired, confused and unsure. No matter how many plans I make, nothing ever works out correctly. Also feeling my curiosity piqued at the mention of a Galifry convention . . .
  10. Now that is a wonderment Phil! She was there a coupla times a day an hour or so at a time. Even spent some time on that there bridge meself. Well, maybe you'll have better luck next year I don't know, did the parrot ever call after this incident?
  11. I think sometimes, we'd all like them to explain . . .
  12. Oh, my hands can do math - it's my brain that seems to malfunction!
  13. Sounds like a plan there mary - iffen ye can't figure a lad out - just shoot him!
  14. Sewing would be alot easier if I didn't have to do it all by hand!
  15. I was absolutly in love with the original, and I love this version even more, I think! Mind if I print out the lyrics and start singing it wherever I go?!
  16. *resurfacing from the bottom of the barrel Will was kind enough to supply* Ahhh - much better now! As for the chocolate - I'll take one of those, two of those, a couple of those - I better just take them all! Another late night, but all day tomorrow to sleep for a change, thank god!! And the headache - well, the end of the maze is in sight . . . I hope. The fruit-filled choclate chest sounds yummy! And as for, choclate being an aphrodisiac . . . well, all I know was that choclate was my only date for Valentines day!
  17. Guess what everyone! Just got my first bodice! I'M IN LOVE WITH IT!! It fits like a dream and looks great. I'm soooo excited. I'll get pictures up ASAP, if ye like!
  18. Got any ribs to spare - . . . ohhh, sorry, bad joke. You're biggest plate of barbucued meat and deepest tankard of the strongest alcohol ye got here, for the very tired little merc. Long day, earlier morning and insurance headaches to try and clear up . . . get me drunk now!
  19. That would be grand - get me out of the Pirate cove for a while . . . I plan on being there most of the season, so ye'll be able to get a hold of me. Either I'm going to break down and buy myself a season pass and get weekends off at work, or I'm going to get a job there meself . . . all depends. :angry:
  20. Rogue Mermaid - Yes, I did get a bit mixed in with pirate vendors - but it doesn't seem to have the same ill-effects your brush with the same band did. Care to share war stories? He wern't so much on the ship . . . Anyway, Lady snow, last year my sister played Honey Brown, the pub wench. A more minor character, but lots of fun. She was self-proclaimed keeper of the kissing bridge and also starred in several of the kiddie shows. She might be playing the same again this year, but she has some new ideas she wants to run by her directors. Keep us updated and good luck.
  21. I'd love to go, but no way of making it into philly - also not sure if I could quite make it into the Trocadero . . . damn legal age . . .
  22. let us know how your auditions go, lady snow. Me sister is in the cast - or well, was last year and is trying out again. Perchance I'll see ya there - though, I tend to spend my time more with the vendors then the actors . . .
  23. Here's to all the cats that have gone on - cheers, William! May your pain be lessened by memories of good times with Amenhotep. I too lost a cat a coupla months ago. It was a really rough spot in my life at the time too. Then with a series of events, I got stuck with a little feline pirate lass that needed a good home. They really do brighten the day, don't they . . . my condolenses mate.
  24. Yes, quite excited about this. Read the site last week. I know some pirates who will be very happy about it too . . .
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