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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. I'll drink to that! Here's to highlanders, and what they have under the kilt!
  2. PyratePhil - I think I speak for all the wenches that plan on being there when I say that not only will we give you our moral (or should that be immoral? ) and stauesque support, but some of us might just strap on some sharp and shinies and take a wack at the blighter ourselves! . . . no one screws with pirates and lives to repeat the mistake . . .
  3. Well, I'm just starting to learn stage combat and I'm not quite sure what we're going to be using sword wise - I'll have toask the instructor for details. I would love to learn more though, so I can stay in character with personna. I'm thinking some french style as well as some plain old cutlass brandishing. Just have to find someone to teach me is all . . .
  4. Now that is what I call a damn good floor show!
  5. Kilts and Killing? WHERE? Count me in!
  6. What can I say - I have high-brow tastes
  7. Or perhaps, it is refering, indeed to the chest of gold upon which the dead Barbossa is laying . . . hmmm, interesting?
  8. If ye cannot get your hands ony any madeira, port would work just as fine . . . I'm not too pickey
  9. Would you happen to have any Madeira around? I realise this is Portugeese and not Spanish - but what the hell, it's close enough!
  10. Also gotta love that a three day pass only costs as much as a single ticket to the PARF! Looks like a total blast - I might just have to make it a road trip!
  11. I might just get to go - if I can get off work and get a ride - only about an hour 45 to 2 hours from me home! Yeah! New places to go!
  12. Sure, we do the picking we just let you think you had the idea . . . good for your egos 'Course, I've picked quite a few, but no one seems to have informed them yet!
  13. Oh yes, sooo true . . . You might also be a pirate if you take serious offence whenever someone says pirates don't exist anymore! Grr! It makes me mad!
  14. Ah, yes, fond memories of buying toys on the Pirate Ship, walking past the Swashbuckler's Brew pub, hanging around with a certain pirate . . . I think I'm going to cry . . . I miss it all so much!! I too shall be there for Fling if I have to take off work now!
  15. MercenaryWench, you a PARF local? Don't believe I've 'ad the pleasure. Not too many of us Preemptive Salvage Engineers at PARF, so mebbe I'd know ye if'n I saw ye. PARF local, but only just started going this past season. Yeah, hung around the Pirate's cove for the last 4 or so weeks of the faire. I'm suppossing that you're stuck - er, um, from around this area too
  16. Well, here's to hoping that once you find a good one ye won't end up setting her aside for another tomato - just outta habit. Goodness knows, there are many out there like me, looking for a lad to pick 'em and put them in a bag and take them home . . .
  17. Getting into my home turf! I'll be there with swords on!
  18. Most of the garb I have (which isn't much admitedlly) is all hand made as I don't even have a sewing machine, alot of it out of muslin cotton - nice and breathable for hot days (also dirt cheap in the quilter's section of Jo-ann's ) Hand embroidered it too. I need to actually start working on some new shirts soon as well.
  19. If'n ye remember what it be like to be my years with the blood boiling then ye'd remember all those that were as to "went before" They havn't yet went fer me lass. . . At my tender years :) but I be trying hard rather than hardly trying. Me mudder says I be tryin' indeed! Truth to tell, I'm not any older then you - if anything, I'm younger! I know all about the blood boiling . . . know what ye mean with the trying hard . . . I just get picky
  20. Never been . . . not that I haven't wanted too. I'm planning on doing some travelling next year so maybe I'll get the chance. DisneyWorld would probably be easier fo me to get to though . . .
  21. As I was lying in bed the other night, deathly ill, I started thinking how funny it could be if I started this here list and see what everyone could come up with. So I'll start it off, and everyone else add anything that pops into their heads. You might be a pirate if . . . ~You go into a bar and try to order Grog ~Anytime someone speaks negativly about pirates, you look at them in all seriousness and respond "You say 'Pirate' like it's a BAD thing!" ~You think Hamlet is Shakespeare's greatest work, not for the depth of Character, but because pirates rescue the hero -Well, that's all I can remeber for now. They seemed funnier the other night. Maybe I was delerious So add to 'em, try and salvage my idea!
  22. What's me pyrate new year's resolution - To get me a pirate!
  23. What exacting taste you do have there, Hook.
  24. LOL! Glad to know that I'm not the only nutso person out there! I guess there is something horribly . . . well, romantic for lack of a better term, in seeing all the shitty sides of love, and wanting it anyway. Maybe it's not sczophrenia, but masochism - that or stupidity. Ah well, here's to love in all it's painful glory!
  25. I tend to be neither a hopeful or a tragic romantic. Oh, no . .. following in suit with my sczophrenia I am a cynical romantic . . . go figure, I'm a walking oxymoron.
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