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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith
New garb I've invested in? Well, I ordered a bodice (my first too!) and it's still not here. I'm getting upset, cause I want it, but I'm trying to be patient. Almost done embroidering my skirt from last season, so it's not new, but it looks much better. Other then that, I'm still on the lookout for new pieces for the coming season.
Okay - within the las 2 weeks, I have made out like a bandit. New Dropkick Murpheys, New Flogging Molly and New Pogues CD. (Actually, me first Pogues and first FM cd!) Love them all like crazy! I'm on a serious music high right now! Usually I get a new cd like once a year! I haven't heard any of FM's earlier stuff, but I do love the newest one. I like their sound, they have good energy when playing, and I just like most of the songs too. Whether or not they have lost an edge they had previously . . . well, I'll just have to go out and buy the rest of their CDs to find out!
The Pirates That Don't Do Anything
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to crimson corsair's topic in Music & Shanties
" . . . and I don't look good in leggings . . ." -
Amen to that! Ohhhhhh - pretty . . . Finally getting around to posting on this thread . . . been thinking about it for a while. I would love to be accurate in my garb. I try my hardest, but as other have said before, it can get expensive and does usually get time consuming. Right now, I'm going with a "if it looks good, go with it" theory. I want to look accurate. I cringe every time I go to the fair, and I see people wearing something they picked up at the halloween shop on their way there. There is no fun in that, at least for me. Call me crazy, but designing a costume, finding the fabric, or even premade clothes that will fit the bill, to come together to have a somewhat accurate look - it's fun! So I don't even see how the sides of the argument can go to "one's fun, one's accurate". as for just the areans of faire vrs. re-encatment? do I really have to chose? can I do both?
So . . . Valentines day is coming up - otherwise known as Single's Awareness Day. I think we should start knocking back a few drinks now in preparation. This round is on my coin, so drink up!
I call my pirate clothing...
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Scuttlebutt
I call it garb - just beacause it's fun to say when drooling over new pieces - mmmmmmm, garb! Well that, and because costume brings to mind what newbies where to the faire - y'know, cheapy stuff that they got for a ten-er at the halloween shop. -
Dissappointing about the house . . . I've alway wanted one of those since I was a wee youngin - I still have a doll fasination! If I had money, I'd buy me a Jack Sparrow doll, and buy him a palace to live in . . .
Actually watchin Captain Blood, right now - mmm, Errol Flynn ! Wonderful movie. Pirate-y yet a bit more the "Arrgh" and "Avast me maties!" As for Goonies . . . never seen it. Who's in it? And MTI, what can i say other then
Rum, Whiskey, or home-made hooch? (I've got a great recipe?) Or maybe some of each? Well, here ye go . . . cheers mate! Hope the waiting's over for ye!
Pirate BBB: Had Any Dealings With...?
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Duchess's topic in Thieves Market
I know right where t'is! Right, we all know where the pirate ship is . . . follow the path going past that. That will lead down past that one pub thingy (can't remeber what it's calle) and past the Swashbuckler's Brew Pub. The Swashbuckler's stage will be at the end of the road, which turns left, follow that a bit, and it I'll be about half-way along, on your left. If ye get lost, it's the road behind the Globe theatre. . . .okay, so I might have spent more then a little time back there . . . -
Pyrate Mugging, cont. from pg. 1 (and speaking of girls gone wild . . .) . . . other eye-witnesses were two women standing by the scene of the crime, one waving to the camera, the other mutturing under her breath about "not needing a comission on the (censored)'s skin, for not having the decency to die when attacked by pirates and finishing the job herself). Both refused to comment other than to say "Hi Mom!" and "I'll give you a comment, boyo!" Both were strangely clothed, and armed with what appeared to be cutlasses . . .
More of a Van Morrison fan meself - but that might have something to do with me having brown eyes.
I can see the headlines now. "City Resident Mugged by Pirate" think of the funny photospread on THAT edition of the evening news!
Me sister just got herself a kick-arse computer, that by all apperences should be able to run it . . . just have to get the gold to buy it
Why else do you think women wear them? I always thought it was a bravery/strength/cunning thing (i.e wear them to gain said. . .) - not very piraty, but very tribal warrior kind of thing.
I don't know Phil, should we be on gaurd for gangsters or you? Anyway . . . not to fear. A group of four wenches may look like easy prey for would be muggers, but a group of four wenches, each with a blade of some sort, and an attitude to boot - I'm almost feeling bad for the muggers!
I'd like to take this moment to ask - who didn't see the whole Bootstrap being alive thing coming? The whole was to obvious, even for hollywood. I mean c'mon - they told you they threw Bootstaps in the ocean tied to a cannon about ten years ago, they then made a point of showing you that the cursed pirates can walk under water. Hello? Tens years to get untied and then take a stroll to tortuga . . . okay, maybe it was just me. I'm all about spoiler warnings too, just this didn't seem like it should have been that much of a surprise. Stellan Skarsgard, huh? Interesting! He was very good in Arthur (that movie rocks my world, almost as much as PoTC!), but my only question - he and Orlando Bloom look nothing alike??
Which weekend all y'all planning on going? Cause I want to try and make it for all of 'em, but if I can't, I want to be there when everyone else is. . . . And I don't think I'll tell me mum about the park's reputation . . . I think we will be well defended, as Phil said . . . I hope
I'll go to see them sure . . . but I still think the directors should have used MY story idea for the sequal!
Are we all going to be wearing the pins then? Why didn't that occur to me before? Golly, now I have an excuse to buy one!
I could use a drink. I'm just waiting for something else bad to happen right now.
Did I hear something about ten barrels? Drink up me hearties, yo- HO!
Ahh, good to be back! Give me whatever is on the menu, for I am famished! The cooking has only gotten better I see! And the company too! allo all! Fill up the tankards Will! This round is on me! :B
Maybe just some bread and ale for me. Never could much stomach sea-food. Are ye taking request William? I'd love to be hearing "Johnny's gone for Soldier" And if not . . . who knows some good old drinking songs?