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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. Man, now I'm craving hot dogs . . .
  2. Well, the caffine is gone . . . sigh . . . I could use another dose. A poppyseed mufin must suffice. Y'know, there was this one guy in my class once who couldn't eat poppyseed muffins cause his parents put him through random drug testing. . . but anyway Well, at least the OD of caffine didn't throw off my cardiologists. . .
  3. thank you *wimpers as taking proffered drink with shakey hand* And this is really SOOOO not good, cause I have a cardiac appointment in half an hour and my pulse is only just now starting to come back to normal! Eeep . . . late night work + early morning detention = need of mucho esspresso mucho esspresso + pure exhaustion = severe bodily shock conclusion; I need sleep and a balanced diet
  4. my mind is in the gutter now . . .
  5. I registered, and it looks like great fun . . . just have to figure out what's what, what goes where, and how to get somewhere . . . I'm having a hard time navigating, I suppose . . .
  6. Also, don't be afraid to spend a little more on a well made bodice - because you can find cost efficent alternatives for everything else, that work as well as spending more money. Bodices ye can't compromise on.
  7. Errp Maybe Squirel should drive instead of wild sarach . . . a bad reputation for city driving that one has . . . Thanks for the heads up . . . either way, I'll need the booze for courage for the ride!
  8. hitting on Orlando Bloom . . .
  9. *hugs diego, then curls up under a table so as not to be tripped over by the entertainment, hands shaking spasmodically* I want to go sleepie! CAAAAFFFFFFIIIIIIINNNNNEEEEEEE!!!
  10. I don't remeber anything about a hedgehog, but I could have very easily missed something. But right now I feel like my heart is about to explode, cause I've had to much caffine. . . . . . but yet, I'm still ready to go back to bed . . . wahhhh . . . someone hug me please!
  11. Cheers mate! Good thing I shan't be driving then, eh?
  12. At this point, I just need to find some roadies to go with me (I canna drive meself at this point) And I'll be sure to find ye when I arrive! Can't go all that way and not meet PyratePhil! As for the beer tent . . . *sigh*three more years*sigh* How does your pirate code of ethics treat the subject of beer theiving for the repressed discriminated minority of responsible underagers?
  13. MMMM . . . one of today's specials please good William! Extra cheese on me lasagne, and the biggest bowl o'salad you can find for me (todays school lunch of fake chicken meat sandwhich and rubbery chocholate cake left me off not much better then I had been! ) Well Diego . . . nothing too strong, I have to be sober for work tonight -so maybe just a fuzzy navel. It's really just peach gingerale that knows somebody . . . Now bring on the long sorwds!!!!
  14. alot of websites do custom works - you give them your exact measurements and they cut it to fit you. Also, they will most times have an alter policy instead of a return. This is where I ordered my bodice - www.greycatdesigns.com She does all custom work and is very nice to work with. The bodice fit perfectly, the only thing I wished diffrent is the fact that she doesn't use steel boning which I cold have used. The prices are in a mid-range - bit more pricey, but they really are well made and custom crafted. Can't get anything in leather though . . . as for skirts and chemises and the like - as was said before, thrift shops and even some chain stores will have peasant, hippie, flowy types of skirts that should do.
  15. yes, don't want lumpy gravy . . . how fared yer weekend all?
  16. Alright gang! We've been talking about it for months! The time is nigh approching! Whose going to be there the 29th? I'm planning a road trip! Can't make it the next weekend, cause I'm graduating, and I can't make it all weekend, cause I work an 8-hour shift on Saturday - but I ain't schedualed for Sunday the 29th, so me and me mates might pack up the boat, and head north!
  17. Ohhh . . . cold turkey sandwiches for breakie! Good, I'm hungary! mmm . . . . nothing like leftover biscuts cut in half and slathered with turkey and stuffing and gravey . . . mmmmm and some booze - yes - I realise it's not e'en noon yet, but after the weekend I've had!!! Pass the bottle please!! Oy! Diego - can I take ye up on that guinness!!!
  18. Here's to ya William - ye've kept us well fed all week. Go home and have a nice weekend. I'll be leaving the Kate soon too!
  19. Happy Friday the 13th to you all, by the by? Unless any of ye happen to be the superstitious type, in which case, cower under the tables with pride!! Here's to celebrating bizzar holidays!
  20. ahhh, refreshing, healthy AND intoxicating . . . my life is good! And how fares the Tsunami Kate's crew today?
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