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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (watching the food being consumed) William, matey, might ye have some wonderful dessert hidden in the back? I would love something comforting and chocolate, but no coconut please, Sir.
  2. And what sport would ye participate in, Jack?
  3. Hetha, how goes things over at the Dragon & Tiger's Den? Any tournaments scheduled soon? I had a great time on Saturday there with my hearties, altho not really any tournaments taking place. We kinda made our own fun!
  4. It's hangin well, matey! Hangin' well!
  5. I know what ye mean. I sailed into this port in January and have really been impressed with the other pyrates here. A jolly good group!
  6. A bit quiet in the TK tonight (as Ciaran looks around). So, Hetha, what's yer impression of our Pub here so far?
  7. t'would be a pleasure. I'll have Irish Cream on the rocks, if ye please. Thank ye.
  8. No complaints from me, m'Lady.
  9. (tips his hat) Evening to ye, Hetha. I trust ye are feelin better tonight. Captain Jack Sparrow, a pleasure always, Sir.
  10. Ah, little Lamb Chops. (Ciaran sniffles to think that one of his childhood icons should end up in William's kitchen.) (Ciaran raises his glass) Here's to the late great Shari Lewis and her sweet little Lamb Chops.
  11. (raises glass to William) Sleep well, matey.
  12. If'n ye remember William, I performed a few, shall we say, transactions, down at the bank last week on yer behalf. I have Crowns to spare.
  13. (always wishing to stay on William's good side) Drinks all around, Good Sir. Refill everyone's glass. (hands Williams a BIG bag of Crowns)
  14. (turning to Captain Jack) And so me bucko, twas it water from an iceberg or vodka that ye jes downed?
  15. (...an identical bottle as the one he offered Hetha) Here matey, try it and see.
  16. Ye are the greatest, William! (hands him a small bag filled with gold coins) (bites into a chocolate. Ciaran's eyes roll into the back of his head) Orgasmic! (looks at Captain JS and wihtout blinking or removing his gaze, reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out.....)
  17. William, Good Sir. Would ye be havin' any of that dark chocolate left from yesterday? If so, I'd love a piece of it and a nice glass of red wine. (places Crowns on bar) Merci beaucoup, mon ami.
  18. (Ciaran walks over to Hetha and pulls out an exotic bottle filled with clear liquid) Here, m'Lady. Drink this. It will calm ye and center ye. Y'er doing too much. Ye need to rest. (hands her the bottle) This be pure water from an iceberg I encountered recently near Newfoundland. I let it melt down and it is the purest tonic I have. It'll quench yer thirst. Now remember to breathe, nice long slow breaths. Ye must learn to rest more, m'Lady.
  19. --fireball-- Jaw Breaker
  20. (nods to William) Don't mention it, matey. Let's just call it karmic justice. I need to, shall we say, balance the account and make a withdrawal. As for the loan shark, I mean supervisor, he's now doing some accounting down at Davy Jones Locker. William, I'll have a shot of vodka, Good Sir.
  21. Live long and prosper
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