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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (Ciaran stumbles into the Tsunami Kate from the adjoining Shake Shack) Okay, I've layed (leid) all the people I can in the past 24 hours, both women-folk and men-folk. I am pooped. (Barely able to walk, Ciaran staggers to the bar and sits down) Aye, Corona will be hitting the spot indeed, William. Extra lime in mine, if ye don't mind.
  2. (not wishin' to disturb the ever-busy Diego, Ciaran simply tosses a bright orange lei up into the air and watches it fall perfectly around Monsieur Diego's head, resting as it should upon his shoulders) Welcome to the South Seas Shake Shack -- Captain William's newest venture in fun dining!
  3. Ooooeeeee! Makes me mouth pucker up jes lookin' at it.
  4. Arr! AWESOME! It's one of the coolest images I've seen here, OC! Cheers to ye fer creating it.
  5. OMG! Fancy, ye and I posted at the exact same moment to the word "pull"! Well, let's continue on with Hetha's word, which fer me would be next to impossible to come up with anything (remembering my sexuality -- LOL), so the word stands at: straighten
  6. (Ciaran pulls out an opaque, almost invisible-coloured lei and places over MercenaryWench's head) Welcome back to the Tsunami Kate, MW. (Mercenary will notice that when the light catches her lei just right, it shines with a spectrum of colour!)
  7. Fuzz buster (radar detecter)
  8. Nice work, Patrick.
  9. (The helpful, friendly, courteous and kind Mad Jack is presented with a Boy Scout green lei by Ciaran) Enjoy yer meal, mateys!
  10. (pulling out a bright yellow lei, Ciaran "leis" the good Captain Morgan) (a nice aquamarine lei is placed on SirenSong) (and Hetha is leied with a novacaine white one) Welcome mateys!
  11. A thousand congratulations, William, on opening The South Seas Shake Shack! Bloody good idea. What a bountiful menu ye have produced (with help from yer pirate hearties)! (Ciaran is carrying a small wooden chest under his arm, sets it on a nearby table and opens it) I acquired these many years ago after a plunderin' on The Big Island and now be the time to bring 'em forth. In celebration of the Tsunami Kate's new addition, I be most happy to "lay" everyone who enters. (reaches in trunk and brings forth hundreds of colourful Hawaiian leis) (places a blood red lei over William's head) Ye be the first, matey! May yer new restaurant satisfy the cravin's of all who enter! I'll be standin' over by the door to "lei" yer customers! At yer convenience, might I order: two Sparrow Rum Burgers blackened to hell and back (very well done), chips, pickles, and a Tsunami shake Thank ye and Cheers!
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