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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Aarr! That sounds good. I'll have the same as Diego, William me matey. And a tall mug of beer. Thank ye, Sir.
  2. !!! No, matey, twas not !!!
  3. Nice quote, Mission. I hope I'm correct that it's from "Indiana Jones". Here's one: "I love, that is all. But I love strongly, exclusively, steadfastly."
  4. A most hearty congratulations, William! Liam is a little Aries, so he'll grow up to be a pirate captain, a leader, fer sure! I wish him a wonderful, long life filled with many adventures. All the best, also, to his mommy and daddy! I'll buy the next round of drinks fer the house!
  5. (hearing French spoken, Ciaran turns to see his dear friend) Mon Dieu! Blimey. La Merfaucon, tu es vivant! Je suis tres heureux de tu revoir! (stands up and kisses his old friend on both cheeks) (pulls out a chair for the good doctor) Assieds-tu ici, a cote de moi. William, a bottle of your finest red wine. I do mean the most expensive, finest wine in the Tsunami Kate, matey. (turning to La Merfaucon) Tu rappelles Mercenary Wench, oui? Et, je tu presentes Lady Snow.
  6. Mercenary Wench, my dear, please join us in the greasefest! (swings a chair over toward her). Sit down, sit down!
  7. I wish he had onion rings. I've not enjoyed a good greasefest in a long time and I'd love to split a big basket of onion rings with ye! And, a beer. William, any onion rings, Sir? Might I also order a tall cold mug of Alexander Keith's beer. It be from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Lady Snow, what'll ye have?
  8. Aye, Lady Snow. Gotta watch those dervish moments! Care fer somethin' to drink? Me treat. Pull up a chair and join me, if ye wish.
  9. Burning down the house
  10. Mr. McGregor's garden
  11. Scrumptious desserts, William. I'll have a BIG slice of the chocolate cake and some of the strawberries, too. Thank ye, mate!
  12. Yes, ye two should run along. I'm happy to stay here and see what dessert William will surprise me with. I'll take me tour of the dojo another time.
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