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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Aye, definitely Howards Pub on Ocracoke. If'n yer thar and see a blue baseball cap, snatch it up. I lost one thar 2 years ago! Enjoy yer voyage to the Outer Banks!
  2. Good God! (Ciaran notices the Guiness of all Guinesses as he enters the Tsunami Kate) Arr, size does matter after all! I'll be 'avin' one of those Guinesses, William, and a bloomin' onion to boot! (not sure how much such a large drink would cost, Ciaran places an entire bag of Crowns on the table)
  3. Grease (the movie/musical has a song with summer nights in it)
  4. (Ciaran places a bib around his neck as he takes a drink) Congratulations Dread Pyrate Red Wake!
  5. CONGRATULATIONS, William! This be Post # 1000 for the Tsunami Kate. I be buying a round of drinks fer everyone!
  6. Aye, Captain Morgan, yer quote says it all! A feast and exotic dancers! The Tsunami Kate be the hottest establishment in this port, it be! William, I'll be partakin' in today's feast, a lil bit of everything, please! What a great way to end a hectic day. Cheers, mateys!
  7. Aarr! Awesome sand art. Thanks for posting it, Red Maria. Best I could ever do were basic sandcastles!
  8. Very nice! I always admire folks who are creative with the computer! You did a great job, Francois.
  9. (noticing that Captain Badger be a bit of a virgin customer in the Tsunami, Ciaran says:) Greetin's Captain. No menu be needed here. Jes ask fer what yer hankerin' fer and William will create it. He be the most extraordinary chef in this port. Fer now, I'd be happy to buy ye a drink in celebration of yer visit to the Tsunami Kate. What'll ye have?
  10. I be so glad ye had a wonderful prom night, Mercenary! William, a round of Mimosas to celebrate Mercenary's prom and graduation!
  11. Ain't that a little alley in New Orleans? New Orleans
  12. frozen strawberry daiquiri, with whipped cream
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