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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Congratulations, Hetha, on becoming Ship's Master and fer opening the Dragon and Tiger's Den. I shall drop by soon! But for now, I must be bidding me leave. I've a little business to take care of fer William (Ciaran pats the pistol Hetha loaned him). I shant be long. (Ciaran exits and walks out the TK, out of the Pub, and down the street toward the bank)
  2. Arrr, thank ye Hetha. (examines pistol) Yes, this will do just fine.
  3. (Ciaran stands, removes his hat and salutes Hetha) Nice shot, very nice shot, m'Lady! And nice arsenal ye have there, too! (Ciaran salivates at the sight of so many pistols.)
  4. Not sure what word I be 'sposed to use, so I'll go with the entirety of Capt. Morgan's posting and say... PREMATURE EJACULATION
  5. Christine! Ye have been down at The Confessional Closet too long! This here be the Tsunami Kate. Ye don't be puttin yer hands down in me trousers here! Remember, this is Ciaran, not PyratePhil! (turns toward Phil and grins and evil grin)
  6. Mercernary Wench, congratulations on making Plunderer! Cheers to ye!
  7. (completely sober at William's news) William, damn, I be sorry to hear of yer bad banking news. Me thoughts are with ye, matey.
  8. hic! Wiiiillyam, me gooood slur. Anothur bottle of sangreesha fer Mer-hic! fer MersinnnnnaryWench! hic!
  9. (tries to stand up, but has trouble after finishing off a bottle of saki, knocks chair over and discharges pistol, which shatters the bottle of sangria, spilling it all over Lady Snow) er, sorry m'Lady! hic!
  10. --strawberry-- Strawberry Shortcake with Whipped Cream! (Ciaran wonders if Zephyr has an alarm clock that is shaped like a strawberry, or perhaps eats strawberries for breakfast...trying to make your association with my word alarm clock! : )
  11. (nearly out of sight down the corridor, Ciaran hopes that neither Lady Snow nor PyratePhil saw the ever-so-slight raising of his left eyebrow or the faint flash of a grin, just for a split second, that appeared on Ciaran's face)
  12. (hiccup) I'll drink ter that! (hiccup)
  13. (Ciaran was just walking past the door when one of his favourite words was spoken. Continues on his journey)
  14. Laughing my das -- I mean my ass -- off at dasNdanger's posting!
  15. (shouting above all the noise) Ahoy there, Lady Snow! I have a bottle of saki somewhere here. (lookin fer it amongst all the armful of plates, platters, bowls....finally locates it tied to his belt) Aye, here it be. What a feast William has prepared. Please dig in! There is more than enough. (turns to Mercernary Wench) Here, pull up a chair and join us. (slides over a ribeye on a platter) Very lively in here this weekend, 'eh?
  16. (Capt. Ciaran enters the TK, carefully maneuvers past rolling cannonballs, dancing couples, a staggerin' Capt. Morgan, and takes his usual seat at a back table) Noting sushi on the menu, Ciaran makes an order along with a big bottle of saki.
  17. This is a GREAT topic. I am enjoyin' readin' and learnin' more about me pirate mateys! (My name is an old Irish name and is pronounced "keer-run")
  18. "Good fences make good neighbors" -- Robert Frost
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