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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
  2. Count Chocula (cereal)
  3. Aarr! Captain Badger, the video was wonderful and absolutely the perfect song to play air guitar to. (Don't tell anyone, but I sometimes put on my Converse High Tops and play air guitar around the house)
  4. red sky at night....
  5. ...off into the sunset...
  6. What a great show it must have been! Thank ye, das, fer posting (typing) all that. Ray, a drink fer dasNdanger fer her efforts. Cheers!
  7. Aarr, back from the back specialist, William. Been given high dosage codeine pills to take fer a week, plus an over-the-door traction contraption, a list of exercises, and instructions to take it easy. So I'm out of work for a week. God, I need a drink. Absolut straight-up, please, William. So happy to hear that Mercenary is back! She must be snoozin' in her room, as I don't see her around. Dorien, Lady Snow, Captain Siren, Captain Jim, good to see ye all.
  8. Good mornin' William! I trust ye slept well. I am off to the doctor to get some relief fer me back troubles. Three bad disks I have....from a pirate battle a few years ago. Been giv'n me a hell of a time over the past month. Anyway, havin' a hankerin' this mornin' fer some grits. Might there be any available, with lots of butter, Sir? And a tall glass of orange juice, too.
  9. "Polly wants a cracker..."
  10. OMG, Cheryl, I'd run like hell if I saw him! What a GREAT costume.
  11. (clink) Aye, to Mercenary! (raises glass) And to good little babies! I have two female friends with newborns and these babies be keepin' the mammas up all night!
  12. Mary Queen of Scots
  13. Join me in a drink if ye care, Sir. I appreciate that update, William. I sure hope Mercenary recovers, especially cause she is so young and has just graduated. You know, her whole life ahead of her kinda deal. Well, how be little Liam?
  14. Wow, Johnny Depp made you think of I'd love to have Mr. Depp over for lunch!!!Anyway, the word was brunch, so I'll say Eggs
  15. ooh, such a pleasure to type Johnny Depp
  16. Evenin' to ye, William. I'll have some Bailey's on the rocks, please. Kinda beat today. How be ye? Any word around the port of how Mercenary be doing? Am I correct that she was gonna have surgery recently? And fer that matter, have ye seen Diego lately? The Pub and Port seem a bit deserted this week.
  17. Ghiradelli chocolate
  18. Rumba, ye look MAGNFICENT! What a fabulous seamstress and model ye be!
  19. R, R, R. I love me beer!
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