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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. I be glad ye are mending well, lass. As fer meself, I have 3 bad disks in upper back and have fer years been able to do exercises, traction, etc to keep 'em in check. This be the worse flareup since 2000, stiff neck, back muscles tight, shoulder tight and now nerve tingling in arm. We've tried medication, massage, chiropractic which all help temporarily, but not long-term. Will probably next do a CAT scan. Me chiropractor mentioned yesterday it might be bone spurs, so must consult the orthopaedic specialist on Thursday and go from there. I would do most anything to ease the pain and numbness.
  2. Well, havin' a lot of problems with me back lately. Been seein' a specialist to determine best course of action. Are ye recoverin' nicely from yer recent surgery?
  3. (slurps the whipped cream) Aye, tis perfect! And the French toast looks delicieux! Merci beaucoup!
  4. (awakens and wipes drool from face, yawns, stretches) Mornin', Mercenary. I'll be havin some hot chocolate with whipped cream and Kahlua. Hmmm, how about a nice plate of French Toast and Canadian maple syrup?
  5. (smells the chili and enters the TK) Ah, Mercenary, yer chili smells scrumptious. I'll enjoy a bowl, please, and some watery-ass beer (don't be likin' dark too much), like a Rolling Rock. (places Crowns upon the counter) Grammercy. Glad to have ye back "officially" now, my dear!
  6. Capt. Bergman, May ye, yer crew and The Royaliste have the best of adventures! Cheers, Ciaran
  7. William, puis j'ai deux cafes avec Kahlua, sil tu plait mon ami? Merci.
  8. Bonjour Tempest. Tu dois dormir? Tu es une 'night owl'. Ah, mon dos est mieux, un peu. Tis a slow process, as I have 3 bad disks which flare up once in awhile, as they are now doing. Merci pour ta prevenance!
  9. Mornin' all. Aye, cake fer breakfast suits me jes fine. A big slice please William and a tall glass of milk (with a hint of Kahlua). Reports of yet another new hurricane out in the waters. I swear, it's one after another. This one be in the Bahamas and is expected to jes mosey around off the Southeast and Bermuda for awhile. I'll be keepin' The Cabin Buoy docked here fer awhile.
  10. Arr, Rummy and Diego. I read many of the posts today and I thank ye fer the invitation to join such a fine crew. Alas, tis more involved than I would want to be. I kinda jes like bouncing around here in the Pub. But, I sincerely thank ye for the invite. A toast to the Watch Dog! (raises glass) Bonsoir Tempest. Moi? Ca vas, ca vas. Et toi, madame? J'espere tu es magnifique.
  11. (Ciaran scratches his noggin) Diego, I be not quite sure what the Watch Dog is. Where do I find postings about it? I've seen reference to it here but not a posting called Watch Dog, unless I jes missed it when searchin'. (grabs another handful of cookies and some Irish Cream. Sits down with Mercenary) Hello my dear. How are ye feelin? What movies were ye watching in yer room? Care for an oatmeal cookie? Tis all I can find.
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