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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Lady Snow, how was the Celtic Faire?
  2. (joins Lady Snow at her table) Captain Siren, I am saddened to hear of yer accident. How be yer husband? If'n me back were in better shape, I should be happy to assist ye, but alas..... Does the monkey help look after the crutches?
  3. Aye, Captain Siren, I be well and trust that ye are also. Any excitin adventures to report?
  4. (after sailing The Cabin Buoy back to its berth on the docks, Ciaran returns to the balanced beauty of the Tsunami Kate) Aye, she be very level indeed, William. Arr, the shrimp cocktail looks appetizing. I'll have a serving please and a nice glass of yer best pinot grigio, please. Lady Snow, might I join ye? Good evening to ye, Captain Siren (nods politely)
  5. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
  6. I be really enjoyin' all these great photographs!
  7. (With a bad back, Ciaran knows he will be of no good pulling on ropes, so runs to the docks and sails his beloved ship, The Cabin Buoy over to the Tsunami Kate.) Might I be of assistance from the water, William? I feel like a page from the children's book, Little Toot (the tugboat) right now! Yell if me ship and I can help ye!
  8. Arr, ye speak the language fine, mate! Tis a shame, though, that Dorian is not here to enjoy everything French. :angry:
  9. Burning Down the House (song)
  10. (wiping mouth on sleeve) William, cela repas ete delicieux! Tout ete parfait! Il moi a porte a la ville de Quebec! Merci beaucoup. Another glass of wine for Lady Snow and me, please Sir.
  11. C'est magnifique, William! J'aime la cuisine de Quebec. Je voudrais des toutiere, s'il te plait. As-tu des poutine? Je voudrais une piece de la tarte, aussi. Et un verre de la vin rouge. Merci mon ami. (William, I don't know if you speak French. If not, the translation of my posting is: That's magnificent, William! I love the cuisine of Quebec. I would like some meat pie, if you please. Have you some poutine? (fries-gravy-cheese concoction from Quebec) I would like a piece of the pie, also. And a glass of red wine. Thank you my friend.)
  12. "double double toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble"
  13. (Ciaran keeps stretching his neck and back) Blimey. Me body is out of whack. Be there anyone here what can realign me back? Be there a doctor in the house? (under breath) Must've been because I had me head stuck in the cake all night, dadblastit!
  14. Welcome Benbow and thank ye fer posting the monkey picture. Real cute it be! I'll take a blueberry smoothie since ye are buying. Pyrate Gregory, ye be a fierce lookin' pirate indeed. I'd say the West Coast is well-protected with ye there!
  15. Mission, bloody good that yer heading Down Under! How long will ye be in Australia? I've not yet been, but would love to one day. Me short list ye ask? 1) Scotland 2) Ireland 3) More of England than I saw a few years ago 4) Iceland 5) Bermuda
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