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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (busy running errands and working down at his ship, Ciaran runs in briefly for some cookies) William, might I have some oatmeal raisin cookies to go? Jes throw em in a sack and I'll pay ye later. 'bout famished, I be! Oh, hello, Diego! I trust that yer time away was bountiful fer ye. Any good raiding?
  2. Ft. Lauderdale (that's the place I first saw the words Jai Alai)
  3. (wiping chocolate icing from his face) Congratulations Scourge William!
  4. (spying the cake, Ciaran's eyes glaze over, drool starts pouring from his mouth, and he wobbles from side to side)
  5. Have You Never Been Mellow?
  6. How delightful to see you. How goes yer weekend, m'Lady? Mine be okay. Am on codeine fer me back troubles and not much improvement be occuring. Might ye have any secret remedy in yer bag?
  7. cowboys and indians
  8. Good Sunday mornin' mates. (wiping sweat from brow) Oooeee, gonna be a scorcher out thar today. Aarr, the Sunday lunch looks divine. Shrimp and vegetables will do me fine, plus a big piece of each dessert!
  9. Keep having fun Christine!
  10. My God, William! You should sell greeting cards of Liam. He is absolutely adorable and all the garb, wow! Good thing yer not spoilin' him!
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