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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (As the mornin' sun begins his rise over the water, a small boat is seen comin' into the cove. The skiff is filled with kegs and two men can be seen. One is sitting upright, rowin' with all his might; the other seems to be sleepin'. The boat now approaches closer to the Watch Dog and it can be seen that the rower is Ciaran, sweat pourin from his brow and look of exhaustion and distress upon his face. With him is Diego, who is bundled up, lying beside Ciaran, his eyes closed, sweat also pourin' from his brow.) Ciaran shouts at the Watch Dog: Help us! Someone fetch the Doctor, smartly. Diego needs medical attention. Please hurry! (A few of the sailors who be awake hand down ropes and a couple climb down to assist. Ciaran helps them lift Diego up. The monsignor is barely conscious, his body feverish, his lips blackened and then it is seen that his left arm be wrapped in Ciaran's torn shirt and is swollen and bloody. Diego is hauled onto the deck of the ship, as Ciaran and the sailors climb aboard.) What happened to him? someone asks. (Ciaran is out of breath from the rowin.) Serpent. A large black serpent bit him last evenin. We were in the mangroves on our way back from filling those kegs (Ciaran points to the skiff) with fresh water. It was dark and we were havin' great difficulty hackin, rowin' our way through the brush that hung low nearly onto our boat. I was in the front rowin', while Diego behind me. All of a sudden I heard him scream and thrash around. It was so dark, we couldst barely see, but as I turned around a great snake had fallen from a low hangin' tree and was wrappin' itself around Diego. I lunged forward to help him. The snake was a devil, fire in it's eyes. It wrapped tightly around Diego's arm and then struck. It bit his left arm and the monsignor screamed in pain from the sharp fangs. I pulled out me dagger and sliced the serpent head. Twas like cuttin' wood, it was so tough. But I cut, it's evil blood spillin' upon me hands, until at last I severed it's head. Frantically I unwrapped the creature from me matey, who had collapsed into the skiff. I tossed the creature into the black waters. Diego's arm was bleedin and already greatly swollen. Tis a bad poison I thought. Diego whispered fer me to help, to cut him and remove the poison before he died. Me heart poundin like a cannon, I cut his arm, near the point of the bite and sucked the blood, spittin' it overboard. After some time of this, I then ripped me shirt off, tying it around Diego's arm, and wrappin the rest around the wound. Diego whispered thank ye, mate, and then lay silently. I knew he was not dead and probably would not die, but must get him back smartly to our ship. I forced fresh water from one of the kegs into the monsignor's mouth every few minutes and I paddled, hacked, and prayed fer our safe return. I could not see where I was going, which way to turn in the mass of mangrove trees. Twas a nightmare. But God was with me and Diego and guided our craft all night until now here we be. So, where is the doctor? Diego needs attention. He is feverish from the snake bite, his arm still swollen, lips darkened. Oh, hurry, he lads, get the Captain, get the Doctor! (Ciaran is now cryin' from fatigue and worry.) And, the kegs of water, some of ye, bring those up. It be the best water on earth!
  2. (opens door to Tsunami, expecting to find a busy Friday night, but alas, not a soul inside) Blimey! (walks up to the bar) Ahoy! Anyone around? (walks around to the inside of the bar) So, Ciaran, what'll ye have tonight? (hops over bar and sits on barstool) Arrr. I'll have a Mudslide, I will. (hops back over bar, mixes the drink and slides it across the bar, hops back over) Grammercy. (takes sip) Perfect! (lights a couple of the lanterns and sits back with his drink)
  3. (deep in the mangroves, Ciaran and Diego quietly paddle their boat in search of the fine drinkin water that Diego remembers from long ago) (standing in the skiff, Ciaran hacks vines out of the way, as the boat slowly works its way into the most savage of landscapes) Are ye sure, Diego, that this be the way?
  4. razor sharp golf clubs (I say again! )
  5. razor sharp golf clubs
  6. shoe polish (kiwi brand)
  7. (noting the movement around the ship and fort and the lack of any movement on the sea, save fer a school of porpoises, Ciaran closes his spyglass and slides down the palm tree, landing square-footedly on the beach. Time to begin more work on the Watch Dog.)
  8. Mercenary, I wanted to let ye know that William has entrusted me with the second key to the Tsunami. I know ye have the first one. So, if'n ye hear any rattling around late at night, keep yer bullets in yer pistol jes in case it be me. Also, if ye get in a pinch and need any help, and I am available, I'd be happy to help ye out here in the TK. But fer now, business to attend down at the docks, so best I be off. Good day, Jim. Good day, Mercenary.
  9. I'm Okay, You're Okay
  10. I think jes the coffee will be all I require fer now, MW. Thank ye, tough. I be slow to awaken this mornin'.
  11. (Ciaran finds some oranges, takes a couple and climbs to the top of the nearest palm tree. Cradlin himself in the top, he begins peelin the fruit, as the tree gently sways in the tropical breeze. Noticin movement of a man he did not see here yesterday, Ciaran looks down at the stranger who be hailin Mr. Youngblood. He seems safe enough Ciaran decides, so puts his attention to more important things. He takes out his spyglass and scans the horizon. A good Lookout never strays far from his duty.)
  12. Mornin' Mercenary, Jim. Ah, coffee will suit me fine, too. Ciaran helps hiself to a large mug and takes a seat at the bar. (takes a swallow) Blimey! Forgot the kahlua. (walks behind bar and pours a couple shots into the steamin java.) (takes a swallow) Ahhhhhh.
  13. (Ciaran awakens to a bright sunny day. He rises from the sand where he slept the night soundly after his first day in service to Captain William and the fine ship Watch Dog. He hears the snorin' of many of his mates. He must be first up, as the sun is jes barely inchin up o'er the calm water. Ciaran walks silently down to the waters edge to splash some water oer his face. He stands, water drippin'd down his blond-red shoulder length hair. He pulls his hair back and ties it with string. Yesterday's work was hard, pullin' ropes to turn the great ship. Ciaran feels the tenderness of his muscles and smiles. Tis good to feel yer body, to feel alive. Aye, tis good to be here. He looks out toward the risin' sun and offers thanks, then turns to search fer breakfast.)
  14. (Ciaran smiles at Mercenery and follows Diego; Ciaran presents the following weapons:) 1 rapier 1 cutlass 2 small daggers 1 blunderbuss (passed down to him by his grandfather) 2 pistols
  15. (Ciaran waves acknowledgement to Diego's instructions and rows over to the larger sandbar)
  16. Diego, me heartie. Grammercy. (Ciaran begins to row the small craft toward the small spit of sand)
  17. (Ciaran rows his small craft toward the larger vessel known as The Watch Dog. As he reaches hailin' distance, he stands, level, calm, and raises a flag of white) Ahoy! Good Captain William! I be Ciaran and have heard of yer magnificent ship and crew. Yer name as a strong, brave and just Captain sits well with me spirit and I wish to offer me services to ye as a Lookout. I vow to be a true and able seaman and would lay down me own life fer ye and the crew. (Ciaran awaits reply)
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