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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. organizational chart
  2. (hearin footsteps and voices descending the stairs into the Surgery, Ciaran turns from Diego to see -- were his eyes decieving him -- the Doctor!) Mon dieu! C'est vous, enfin! (Ciaran slides around to make room for Doctor Fitzgerald)
  3. The Man in the Iron Mask
  4. When Fox TV first premiered, Tracey had a show on it. I thought it was so funny and creative. She is quite talented in my opinion.
  5. I be glad I could help out. It was VERY quiet over the weekend. Most pyrates were out plunderin, I suppose. William dropped by briefly.
  6. (Arr! Ye posted jes as did I) Get back over here, I've cooked fresh French toast fer ye!
  7. Aye, all gone. But I shall whip ye up a new batch smartly! Care fer bacon with it, MW? How was yer weekend by the way?
  8. Relax Monsignor. Listen as I will relate to ye the entire story. It all began when ye and I went by small craft to fetch the fresh water........ (Ciaran very slowly recounts the entire adventure and misadventure to Diego, while he and Kendra give him water and keep him resting)
  9. (Ciaran begins relating the story of the serpent and its attack, the hard journey back here, and Diego's days of illness to the Monsignor)
  10. (Ciaran and Kendra look at one another in disbelief) Praise God! Yer prayer worked miracles, Kendra! (holding onto Diego so he doesn't jump off the bed, Ciaran rubs his forehead and holds his hand) Father Diego! He are awake! Hold still and lie quietly. We shall get ye food and drink in due time. (holds water to his lips) Here, drink fresh water.
  11. Amen, says Ciaran quietly. (he turns to Kendra) Aye, lass, I was raised in a monastary and considered it as me own callin' till I visited the sea fer the first time when I was 16 years of age. Lookin' at the waves, the ships, something welled up inside me and I knew me life was to be spent, not behind the safe walls of the Church, but on the majestic waters. Yet, still I walk a spiritual path in many ways. The Monsignor here be a longtime friend of me and me family. Thank ye fer that prayer, Kendra. As ye know, today is the Holy Day Lammas, mass of the Lamb and of the Bread. I think it be a good sign. I believe in me heart, jes as the bread rises, so will Father Diego today.
  12. ironing yer shorts
  13. (Ciaran is awakened by all the commotion and laughter from topside. He sits up, groggy, remembers where he is and walks over to Diego, Cheryl and Kendra.) How be the Monsignor this mornin? (he says as he takes a cloth and wipes Diego's forehead).
  14. Many of us here would say, Aye, 'tis.
  15. (Ciaran looks up in a state of disbelief) But, Cap-ta....(sighs) (looks at Capt. Red Wake fer a long five seconds) Sir, yes Sir. Ye know best, Captain. Thank ye Sir fer letting me rest close by. (Ciaran sighs again and walks over to the bunk and collapses into it. Within a few minutes, he is soundly asleep.)
  16. (Ciaran looks up at Cheryl and back to Diego. He takes the pail of fresh water she has brought, dips his cloth in it and applies it to Diego's forehead.) Thank ye, Cheryl. (turning back to Diego) He is most sick and I shall not leave his side until he recovers. (Diego mumbles again, words that Ciaran has heard before, but was too young to know there meaning, Holy words from old texts.) Aye, he be battling again in his dreams. (Ciaran wipes the Monsignor's sweaty brow.)
  17. (Ciaran fell asleep sometime during the night, exhausted after spending the day watching over a gravely ill Diego. He is awakened this Sunday morning to the sound of Diego mumbling. Ciaran rises and goes to the monsignor's bed. Diego is still feverish and not awake. Ciaran hears whispered words, strange words from Diego, perhaps in Latin, words the pirate cannot understand, words of delirium, words from nightmares. Ciaran simply wipes Diego's forehead with a damp cloth.) Sleep monsignor. Fight off these demons that have poisoned yer body.
  18. (Ciaran enters the Tsunami early and decides to quietly prepare a Sunday breakfast for folks. So, he, of course, creates his specialty...French Toast) and there's also bacon fryin in a pan.... (Ciaran opens the door to the Tsunami, so that the smells may waft down the hallways)
  19. (Ciaran spoke not, his face ashen with fear, the lines on his brow deeper. Exhausted as he was, he would stay here by his mate's side, assisting the good Captain in washing and bandaging Diego's wound. This is where he wanted to be and the pirate was grateful that the Captain allowed him to remain here. Ciaran was lost in prayer, in thoughts, in memories.)
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