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Everything posted by Fancy

  1. I was quite disappointed a little while ago, then I was quite p.o'd, but now that I have things in proper perspective, I feel good (nananananana... I knew that I would now...) I'm also ready for some pretty weather!
  2. Um.... the strawberry shortcake theme song....
  3. hint: totally NOT country. it's Rock. give up?
  4. under the couch
  5. next one... "I got my gun at the ready, gonna fire at will"
  6. What? no answer.. Mission, you stumped us.. Well almost. My Fair Lady yes?
  7. habernero peppers (Merry... bummer for us :))
  8. Try this one... "And we fell down laughing in the wet grass"
  9. I think the rolling stones, song title is waiting on a friend. Is that it?
  10. Up (Merry, just got a peek of Ray... woe. Does he do parties? LOL!)
  11. Pynch... I can imagine :) Phil, how's the back? I'm feeling a little cold right now, (really.) So I'm snuggled up in my blankie and beginning to warm up, except me hands, which are typing LOL! Otherwise, I'm happy :)
  12. Ahhh... I"m in need of some slakin' and satiatin' ! Chocolate! Rum! (hey, chocolate rum :)) Had a mucho busy day yesterday, not fully relaxed just yet... still wound kinda tight, maybe I need a masseuse (sp?)
  13. So, what else ya gonna take off? I've always had a sort of weakness for red-headed men. My first boyfriend was red-headed, and I liked him in the beginning because he was red-headed, and so darn cute! then there were others... Ahhh... :) A red-headed pirate is all the more...!
  14. Right now all is silent... an oddity at my house. So, if all is quiet with you, what's in your cd player most of the time? Mine... I have a 5 disc player ... Currently: Evanescence, Jimmy Buffet, Linkin Park, Veggietales, and Kutless. More of my regulars are: Petra (Jekyll and Hyde album), Aerosmith, Creed, Lenny Kravitz, the soundtrack to O' Brother, Where Art Thou?, and Bad Company I generally listen to a classic rock radio station, when I listen to the radio.
  15. Goodness, Christine, that seems a bit scary. I've never had a reaction like that to over the counter stuff myself, but I reckon it could happen any time. I'm glad you're feeling better. Merrydeath, you stay away from the over the counters too. Ya'll just best stick to rum, huh? :) PyratePhil, how did the needle-sticking go? I hope you're out of pain now. I reckon I could send YOU a really nice email to take your mind off of your back, at least for a few minutes. Blackjohn, that's how I feel... anticipating some action... Need, no NEED action and adventure.... yeah. that's it. And I'm also feeling relief, my phones were messed up earlier and I couldn't get online, now I can... YEA!
  16. And to all of you who feel sick, tired and down... My wish for you are days ahead of wellness, rest, and upness!
  17. I feel cold... (just kidding) I feel antsy... know what I mean. I want to get out, go somewhere I've never been before, do something I've never done before (or do it somewhere else and better) have an adventure... I'm always feeling like this. I'm also feeling a bit... hot. just got a really nice email.
  18. William... you know them too???
  19. Yes thank you... and I'll have some of those spider rolls as well... you do know the way to a girl's heart... yum! Aren't shellfish good for the mood as well? Well, it works on me!
  20. Not easy for me... I really like so many. Let's see... Could I include my boxed collection of 50 old Horror movie classics? I reckon that would be cheating, there's 12 dvd's in one box... OK... O Brother Where Art Thou Pirates of the Caribbean Arabian Knights Chocolat and... Dracula this was hard, and I reserve the right to change my mind.
  21. You have gotten some great ideas here, and you're on your way to a really cool bedroom. I want to do my own room as captain's cabin, my plans are to replace flooring and walls with dark wooden planks, add chunky victorian furniture, I like the idea of Satin Sheets (more of that ill-gotten swag) but your son might not like that. A nice old world map would look wonderful in such a room, and antique world globes (educational as well). Will there be a ceiling fan? I've seen some with what looks like basket weave bamboo or palm fronds. You can always paint or decopage piratey stuff on plain fan blades as well. What about a window covering? The jolly roger of course. :) You could wainscoat around the walls to look like a ship's railing, and to go all out, add a mast somewhere that doubles as a coat and backpack rack. For some neat lighting... Run a shelf around the top of the room, say 12 to 15 inches from the ceiling, and at the top rear of that, run rope lights. You can't see the lights, just the dim glow. And the shelving comes in handy for collectibles and storage. When all is said and done, do post pics!
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