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Everything posted by Fancy

  1. ah yes, the Doors... :) ok, here's more lyrics... Baby doncha hear my heart You got it drowning out the radio I've been waiting so long For you to come along and have some fun And I gotta let ya know No you're never gonna regret it So open up your eyes I got a big surprise It'll feel all right Well I wanna make your motor run
  2. um.... pirates?
  3. Why, Mission, my dear friend... I've told you time and time again , Fancy is the name of a pirate ship, Henry Avery's pirate ship, dontchaknow. (Shhhh.)
  4. Diego, I know that song... ... I know it's Paul McCartney, but I don't know the title. do tell! Here's another to try... ...all your life you've never seen a woman taken by the wind would you stay if she promised you heaven will you ever win...
  5. inexperienced
  6. Snow: I still like pinball there's one at the pizza place we frequent, and I would play more if my boys (including hubby) would let me! I don't play much at home. We're a well rounded video game family... PS2, Xbox, GameCube, Nintendo 64, and the old Super Nintendo... but my kids pretty much take up all the time on those. I did get pretty good at Mario 64, but once we got all 120 stars, I haven't played much since. Patrick: No, never played boulderdash or even asteroids much... I did like Tempest a bit, but was never really good at it.
  7. Ahhh.. I know now Rummy... but I cheated :) so I won't post... I just had to know!
  8. Diego, that was quite random... fits right on topic! :)
  9. lady snow, I remember centipede very well, I was quite good at it... at the local arcade. My friend and I would fill our styrofoam cups with ice and a sparkling wine, go to the arcade and put our initials in the top 5 nearly every weekend... good memories.. did you ever play Q-bert?
  10. Most excellent, William! Thank you! Is there a limit to only kissing the Irish Gents?
  11. I'll take that as a compliment, Mad Jack Thank you... and I do love that song!!! Right now I've got Led Zeppelin 3 playing... currently.. Tangerine.
  12. In the meantime... try this one... you'll need to adorn your disco days "hat" See them out on the street at night, walkin' Picking up on all kinds of strangers If the price is right You can't score if you're pocket's tight But you want a good time
  13. I don't know either, Rummy, hints?
  14. just use your imagination, love... and bring the rum.
  15. Steppenwolf... Born to be Wild, soon to be followed by Magic Carpet Ride
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