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Everything posted by Fancy

  1. The above is a great story. I've never been to Disneyland or world at all, I would love to someday. There's been lots of great songs mentioned and lyrics posted here! One thing that surprises me is no mention of Jimmy Buffet. I just got one of his cd's (can't remember the title, but it's a best of type cd) and just heard "A Pirate Looks at 40" and I loved it, and can relate to it. Any of you like Jimmy Buffet?
  2. There is a fine pirate from Ponty He's colorful, funny and jaunty. His stories - first rate, One helluva mate Will someday he share the full monty? There once was a sweet little bee, That landed upon my sweet knee. Said I to the bee, "If you do not flee, I'll sting you so you don't sting me."
  3. There once was a sex crazy pirate All booty he saw he desired it He got all his wenches By dropping his breeches Because they all greatly admired it.
  4. There once was a wild pirate lass And she had a fine pirate ass A pirate's sweet treasure And nothing but pleasure Was upon her bed made of brass
  5. There once was a wild pirate lass She was saucy, brazen and fast Her sailors meet doom Beneath the full moon So beware the spell she may cast
  6. here's a few more: I like making up limericks by the mile And can get on a roll for a while But the following ain't mine, I found it online and decided it was good for a smile....... There once was a pirate (the story relates) who liked to go dancing on roller skates. He fell on his cutlass which rendered him nutless and virtually useless on dates. ok, that one isn't one I made up, but I like it. These are mine.... There was a young pirate from Bristol Whose cutlass was made out of crystal Other pirates just laughed Thought him to be daft But they learned he was good with a pistol. And I confess, 'bout that pirate from Bristol And 'bout that surly pirate pistol I thought it so good (considered naught that I should) But it had such limerick potential! There was a fine pirate named Jack, Who carried a compass to track, The way to much loot, (From aztecs, to boot) And a single Pearl he wanted back.
  7. This is always fun... Perhaps it's been done... but... Let's make up some pirate limericks! They can make since, or not, who cares, it's fun... let's play! There was an old pirate from tortuga He ate sea turtles and beluga He preferred to drink rum But he couldn't find some So he settled for wine from Chattanooga. There was a young pirate in trouble He always smelled like a soap bubble So he rolled in dead fish And on a star made a wish And now looks like Barney Rubble. There was a big ship on the sea Captained by a pirate named Smee He got sick of Hook And decided to book To live a life fancy and free There was a young wench from Peru Who wanted a pirate or two So snuck on a ship And pooched out her lip For it was an all women crew.
  8. Yes. Dora. All my kids have had to watch Dora's Pirate Adventure because my 4 year old is a fierce and unyielding and LOUD little buccaneer herself. Actually, as I'm typing, Muppet Treasure Island is playing yet again... (imagine the music here...) ...When you're a professional pirate, you don't have to wear a suit... He's singing that now. My kids (ages 4 to 13) have watched and enjoyed most of the pirate movies mentioned so far. Even my 4 (who was at the time 3) has watched POTC, fighting skeletons and all, with no problems. She thought they were cool. But, my friend has a son who's 8 and can't watch Power Rangers because he has nightmares. It all depends on the individual kid.
  9. Here's a couple more ideas.... Lareina Santana aka Lareina del Asesino del Mar (killer queen of the sea) Rosalina Simone aka Ruthless Rosa ~~~~~~~~~~~ Count Bastian Count Decarlos Count... Rodolpho, Basil, Vladimir,
  10. Oh yes, how could I forget this one... Dora's Pirate Adventure. My 4 year old daughter loves Dora the Explorer.
  11. Many good pirate movies for kids have been mentioned. I give another vote for Muppet Treasure Island (just watched this again tonight with my 4 year old) and Peter Pan (2003). I also love the old Treasure Island movie with Robert Newton (I think that's his name) as Long John Silver. (I love to hear him talk). At Walmart you might find a dvd with some old tv shows, "The Adventures of Long John Silver" also starring Robert Newton. I got mine for just $1. And there's Treasure Planet, which is still one of my favorites, watched it with the kids tonight as well. When my younger son turned 7, we celebrated with a pirate party, it was great fun. I think they especially liked the pirate ship battle (with ping pong balls as cannonballs) and of course the treasure hunt.
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