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Everything posted by Fancy

  1. Van Morrison did it originally I reckon, but the version I have is Jimmy Buffet (Meet Me In Margaritaville Ultimate Collection)
  2. Hummm... horny and a quick tongue... that could be handy.
  3. some good 'ol JB now... brown-eyed girl...
  4. try this one... Now I'm not like this, I'm really kind of shy But I get this feeling whenever you walk by I don't wanna down you, I wanna make you high If you you could see your way to me, come on and let me try.
  5. come Monday, it'll be alright come Monday, I'll be holding you tight.... JB
  6. Going under by Evanescense. good to see so many fans of Heart!
  7. You're not complainin' are ye? Why do we do what we do... why not.? ain't they already horny.... somethings?
  8. Indeed. Did I see him take a peek just now?
  9. that it is. I'm most familiar with The Wall. as fer yer song, sounds familiar, but just can't put me finger on it.
  10. Ah yes, I see, shall we play along?
  11. Christine, you are a sweetie, I bet that will do him a wonderous miracle... I'm just wondering if he's really out, or just hopin' for some more of that kind of rejuvination :)
  12. yes indeed, twitterpated! good call.
  13. Indeed! Fan of Pink Floyd, Mad Jack?
  14. Fancy walks up and stands astraddle him... laughing... Quick! Give this man something good to revive him! bless his heart. He needs rejuvination!
  15. Rummy how I envy you... ahhh... the beach, tis a wonderous thing. I am in a fabulous wonderful mood, on this wonderful day. I woke feeling great, and then felt even greater by this afternoon, the only thing that would make it better is my lover and I on the beach, he and I hand in hand, on this grand grand day.
  16. Heart ... Barracuda, Magic Man, Crazy on You... much better than strawberry shortcake :)
  17. how about this: You better run all day, And run all night. And keep your dirty feelings deep inside. And if you’re taking your girlfriend out tonight, You better park the car well out of sight. ’cause if they catch you in the back seat, Trying to pick her locks, They’re gonna send you back to mother, In a cardboard box.
  18. We live happily forever, so the story goes But somehow we missed out on that pot of gold But we’ll try best that we can to carry on... Styx.. Come Sail Away.
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