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Everything posted by Fancy

  1. so, ye thinks I have somethin' to confess? I'd be in there for hours, hon! I can think of better things to do in that there closet... just ask Phil
  2. Diego, ye have me stumped. But I'm not against cheating.. I may google it if'n ye don't tell soon
  3. Ditto what phil said. You can't really convey facial expressions and tone of voice with mere words, smileys help, but still it's not like conversation face to face.
  4. No worries, mate, (she says with a giggle and whisper (you can make it up to me later) I wrote it a long long time ago and posted it on another pirates site :) musta been where you found it... pretty good on the newer one! Have you read through some of those at the beginning? Some are quite um.... naughty... yeah, naughty...
  5. Aww, Ciaran, ain't you the gentlemen. Fancy takes a frog leg and takes a big bite... (I never was one to nibble) mmmm... delicious! William, excellent!
  6. First, let me buy ye a drink... Ray!... Now... Regenrate that hope mate! Hang with friends, have some fun, your hope will return.
  7. grand performance
  8. yea! Capt. Ciaran! ok... now this... it's easy... I was a willow last night in my dream. I bent down over a clear running stream. You sang me the song that I heard up above, And you kept me alive with your sweet flowing love!
  9. frog legs! it's been years since I've had any! Many thanks Capt. Ciaran!
  10. sadder lyrics... but then he sings... I'll take my chances babe, I'll risk it all I'll win your love or I'll take the fall I've made my mind up girl it's meant to be Someday Lady you'll accompany me.... I love the song too, been listening to ol' Bob most of the day. :) how 'bout this one.. Out past the cornfields where the woods got heavy Out in the back seat of my ’60 chevy Workin’ on mysteries without any clues
  11. indeed, but it's ok... do it again.
  12. yeah, but the whole process was rather enjoyable
  13. all the sci-fi computer generated noises you can imagine from the Star Foxe Assault game for Gamecube! noisy! and Bob Seger.
  14. try this one... I've seen you smiling in the summer sun I've seen your long hair flying when you run I've made my mind up that it's meant to be ..........
  15. no, no rapido... camara lenta y facil....
  16. good song, yes? let's go!
  17. Let Me Take You Home Tonight.
  18. oh, the outdoorsy type... woo hoo!
  19. stamina!!!! (where would a woman find a man like that?????)
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