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Everything posted by Fancy

  1. Evil Woman... Doobie Bros. My mom met the doobie brothers... well, Patrick Simmons and Michael McDonald, many years ago after a concert. That was very cool to a young teen girl :) (me) How cool that y'all have been posting Styx songs... I've been listening to them recently :) and considered posting the Renegade lyrics myself just today... Ok... how about this one... Now some they do and some they don’t And some you just can’t tell And some they will and some they won’t With some it’s just as well
  2. here's one.. If I leave here tomorrow, Would you still remember me?
  3. Umm.... Duran Duran... Hungry Like the Wolf. (I think)
  4. I reckon that in light of my black widow avatar, devour from me could appear to be dangerous, but I sincerely meant that in a most pleasurable way. I have considered changing my avatar, just can't decide on one. I had a pic up before that someone mentioned I should use again, but I dunno... we'll see. And I like your poem, Diego...
  5. here's some crazy lyrics... Here come old flattop he come grooving up slowly He got joo-joo eyeball he one holy roller He got hair down to his knee Got to be a joker he just do what he please... and try this one too... I like to dream yes, yes, right between my sound machine On a cloud of sound I drift in the night Any place it goes is right Goes far, flies near, to the stars away from here...
  6. ...how long must he wait One more time for a simple twist of fate. Dylan
  7. very good limerick jack!
  8. I've never seen 'em in concert Lucky lucky you. But I sure do love 'em! Thanks for tellin' Diego, i'da never guessed :)
  9. Boy, Phil is gonna be SOOOO tired later... passed out with a smile !!!!
  10. Shhh... I'm setting him up to trust me so that when he least expects it... I will devour him. (very enjoyable)
  11. oh yes indeed! That be Patchy the Pirate!
  12. LOL! I dunno, anyone seen PtratePhil? Maybe I should be nibblin' William! fabulous creme brulee!
  13. 'specially for me? why, aren't you a darlin' Old man, lover child How do you keep that smile In the rain and in pain All the same All the same Smiling through the rain You know I got to stay here Heart... Here Song
  14. Why Phil, how clever you are... I was sure that I had embedded those subtle nuaces of my post much more eloqently than I obviously did... but you figured them all out. I'm very impressed. And you are right... I would indeed take Platinum-Rated Phil to the afore mentioned dark, comfortable warm environment, shed clothing, and then....
  15. drinking with Mad Jack
  16. shy smile, clever words, ... you're a sweet one Mad Jack.
  17. Yea, I try to be nice always, and not hurt any feelings or make anyone mad, although I know I can't please everyone all the time. But I am more bold here than I would be in real life. For instance I wouldn't really take PtratePhil into the Closet for a nice game of Postoffice.... .... .... (me pondering this) .... .... .... or would I.
  18. Merry, that was the very first record (it was a 45) I ever got. It came with a red record player. that and Rock n' Me.
  19. Kangaroo jack
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