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Everything posted by Fancy

  1. Fancy


    I used to love Weird Science, another teen flick, and I finally bought it and you know.... I can't remember what I found in it that was so great... Still a fun movie, but not what I remember. Mission, I've never seen Casablanca. Plan to one day... one day. We just watched Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow last night. Interesting movie. Not gonna be a favorite of mine, but I enjoyed it. Patrick Hand, can you describe the b/w movie you saw? Lady Barbossa, I bet that was really cool to view the Goonies in an outdoor park/theater. One of my favorite parts of the movie is when Mouth is doing his interpreting. Hilarious! Capt. Pete, in my opinion... yes. But that's me. I like to watch EVERY pirate movie I can find.
  2. Loved it! Loved it! Oh, how true these words be... I think I've quoted each and every line to my kids at one time or another, and along with the "I'm not here to entertain you," I've also said, "It's ok to be bored, you won't die." I've also used this important line, "I'm sorry." but the most important thing I tell them many times a day is... "I love you dearly, just the way you are. I'm glad you're my child." Ok... now for a limerick... let's see... There once was a mom from the south With 4 kids, including a teen with a mouth When they bickered and feuded Her brain often expleuded And made a big mess in the houth. (boo... sorry) There once was a mom (that would be me) Who loved her kids unconditionally But when they sucked out her brain they'd whine and complain Because she'd make them put it back, savvy?
  3. Thanks for the info. I'm really looking forward to the movie, and what one may call spoilers, I call previews :) Potc3 may be a prequel to Potc1... who knows for sure. But I'm glad to hear that Barbossa is in it!
  4. Ya mean yer brain be explodin'? I know that feeling, actually mine, more than explodin', just gets sucked out. I have kids (everyone nods in understanding) although it does explode now and then. what a mess! And I'm the mom, I have to clean it up meself
  5. Aye, Merry, he is a professional! (What ARE we doing up so late???) Tis late, but I can't pull away, From words I might want to say. My computer is slow, But I just gotta know, What everyone talked about today.
  6. Chartin' my treasures, eh? Apparently they needed a bath Ye could smell 'em coming down the path Blackbeard didn't care He was all about hair And dared not to invoke their wrath Blackbeard was a burly ol' bum And fancied himself quite the chum But when his women had needs Perhaps he did them in threes So he could quickly get back to his rum
  7. Blast this slow connection! I'm not familiar with No Doubt or Gwen Stefani, but I'd love to see that video. Double drat! JoshuaRed, did you mean Petra or Patra? I've never heard of Patra, but I am quite familiar with Petra :)
  8. Fancy


    y'all should see it again. It's all about a group of kids seeking a legendary pirate's treasure. Full of fun and laughs! One of my favorites!
  9. Fancy


    I just love the Goonies, my kids love the Goonies, and now my kids friends love the Goonies.. ok, so they've got a little cussin' but I just tells 'em that just cause they hear it doesn't mean they can say it! We watched it again tonight, and they all sat through it without fidgiting or needing to pause it or anything... they were glued. And then after, it was "Aw, that was a GOOD movie! I want to have adventures like that...!" ME TOO!
  10. That is great to hear, er, uh, read! I've been looking for Captain Blood on DVD for a while!!!! I'll be looking for it! I hope they don't stop there!
  11. I had no idea what I be startin'! Very good, gentlemen, very good. So that's why Blackbeard was so unhinged I'm sure every morning he cringed... All those wives to keep happy Or I'm sure they got snappy There were worse things than beards being singed.
  12. Blackbeard was a pirate to be feared But he wore, over his ears, his beard And the red ribbons there Tied up in that hair With the smoke, I imagine looked weird
  13. Here is a fabulous list of many phrases and their estimated origins... Origins of Phrases
  14. son of a gun... Early warships had very cramped quarters. Sailors slept between the cannons because that was the only space available. They sometimes had female company on board. Some ships actually carried prostitutes. Other times a sailor's wife would be allowed on board so that he would not have to leave the ship, and potentially desert. In any case, many children were conceived between the cannons, or guns. Woman who gave birth on the ships typically also did so between the guns. The male children were thus called "son of a gun".
  15. Red Handed Jill, so happy to be able to make ye smile :) Son of a gun.... Humm.... seems I read something about that before, no one's sure where it really originates from. But I think one theory has something to do with a lass being impregnated by a gunner of a ship. I'll see if I can find more info. Sayin' originations amuse me. I've looked upon them before.
  16. Random thoughts... ok... (by the way, I have a bread machine too and haven't used it for over a year, I just might dig it out soon, now, you've inspired me. Ok, random thoughts... The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. OK, so what's the speed of dark? If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends? Boycott shampoo! Demand the REAL poo! What happens if you get scared half to death twice? I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out. I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder. Someone sent me a postcard picture of the earth. On the back it said, "Wish you were here." "Did you sleep well?" "No, I made a couple of mistakes." What's another word for Thesaurus? If you were going to shoot a mime, would you use a silencer? If you tell a joke in the forest, but nobody laughs, was it a joke? If a man says something in the forest and there's no woman there to hear him, is he still wrong? If you throw a cat out of a car window does it become kitty litter? A man and his money are soon partying. If corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil come from? Why do they put Braille on the number pads of drive-through bank machines? How did a fool and his money GET together? When you choke a smurf, what color does it turn? Does fuzzy logic tickle? Why do they call it a TV set when you only get one? If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call the resulting company Fed UP? Why do people who know the least know it the loudest? How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop? How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink? I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
  17. Foxe, excellent site! Your site answers a lot of questions, and dispells some things even I thought to be true, like some of the flags for instance... I wish we could post links in a certain place when certain questions seem to be repeatedly asked.... savvy? :) Kisses,
  18. Hello, love! Cheers! I wish I had time to write more, (I will later) I'm in a hurry, but had to say I'm glad you're in! kisses, Fancy
  19. BHPearl, that sounded like a wonderful party! My son's was 2 years ago and we did a lot of the same things, but my ship battle was indoors (yikes!) So glad you and the kiddies had a great time!
  20. I do believe you've made me blush... just a little.
  21. Siren, what exactly IS that drink... it has a very interesting name!
  22. Captain William Red Wake, I and yer Tsunami Kate have something in common... landlocked, with a yearnin for the sea, and needin' of bein' filled with music, merryment and men... or something like that *wink* Anyhow, the food be looking mouthwatering! but for now I'm just parched. I'd like something new, whatcha recommend?
  23. Have anything to do with Star Wars, Mission?
  24. Reliant K is a Christian band, and the song "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" is originally done by the Veggietales pirates also known as The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything from the Veggietales movie Jonah. The Wiggles are a group of 4 men who do a children's tv show and recorded music, they also do live shows. One of their characters is Captain Feathersword, the most gentle and safe pirate you'll ever see. (and his sword is actually a huge feather with a handle.) What is the name of this album you downloaded? I want one!
  25. Who me? Naughty? :) This sweet pirate lass does confess, With a flirtatious nature, I'm blessed. Sometimes naughty, that's true, So what's a girl to do? With pirates I'm totally obsessed! There was a dark pirate from Mist, Who fought with sword, pistol and fist. Her flag black and red, For blood that was shed, Cause she killed every man that she kissed. A short little pirate was miffed, His cutlass he just couldn't lift. So he traded it in, For some rum and some gin, And found drinking was his true gift.
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