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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. well i for one am not as website savvy as might some may be ...so i can't assume that others know any more than i do about constructing a website ....they are a small opperation and not some giant renfaire based opperation that does thousands $$$ from 20-30 renfaires across the country ...i judge them by the quality of what they sell and i have seen their products up close and personal ....and though you might want to view them closer online it may be beyond their computer knowledge i just offer a recomendation of the quality of their workmanship and the products they carry so you don't necessarily have to wade through the non-period renfaire bits
  2. OMG now i have one thing to add to my lotto wish list the look of that 3mm scale victory is a sight to behold to have 7000 bps to frolic away on such a TOY that's nearly $14000
  3. rumba ...et al -if you add your selection to the cart even if you later remove it it gives you the current pricing with shipping
  4. in years past i have seen a few kits in hobby shops to build period r/c sailing ships but it has been a while since i was into building any radio controlled craft ....i used to have a three masted schooner i used to sail on a small pond on my mountain property ....but alas my ex allowed my kids to "play" with it and it is no more
  5. can't think of anyone i dislike that much but let me think on it
  6. billy flynt tis a shame i can't make harbour in hamptom for that event ...would truely enjoy raiding the theatre with you lot!!!
  7. the orange muzzle plug is a requirement for any replica gun sold on ebay they are usually just for the picutres to meet ebays rules and are shipped without said plugs
  8. so that's where she got those "sharks with friggin laser beams on their head" she used to just have some ill-tempered seabass throw me a friggin bone here!!!
  9. try this one i have seen & dealt with them ....good dealer the painted lady and if it be weapons ye be looking for i humbly suggest you look in rabble rousing for post your arsenal
  10. shame they didn't post a disclaimer before the film; this is a fictional account and any similairity between these characters and actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental or an apology at the end ....or better yet every half hour or so ....i regret having sent for the dvd about 2 weeks ago
  11. m'self and some others are just a short drive(2 hrs or so) from erie
  12. yes i could envision that COWABUNGA MATES "GNARLY RIGGIN"
  13. that's why my ex's always got the house .....and i had to keep moving my arsenal ....now dating a 25 year old f&i /pyrate re-enacter she wants me for my weapons
  14. save everything from him to history you can turn it over to the police and have a restraining order placed on him they can trace his ip address and back ping him to find his exact locale and if he continues have him arrested for terroristic threats ...it is the same thing the celebs do with internet stalkers
  15. well i need to pay for my pyrating somehow ....they get pissy if i steal the money $$$$$$$$$$
  16. i just placed my order for another $8000 of new pistols and blunderbusses and may have a few surprises when pip roles around my tents have been ordered and should arrive by mid july ...trying to find oars to make into tentpoles
  17. when pip rolls around i should have at least 20-25 that i'll be bringin' and yes they will mostly be for sale!!! so bring your gold sovereigns!!!
  18. got a chance to post a couple more shots of the arsenal a few of the cutlasses that are at home and a few of the flintlocks ... am still trying to get them all at one place at one tyme to get the entire armoury shot but my current house is too small to get them all in one room so i photograph them as a totally clean each room
  19. i did have one that the handle developed a crack so i took it off and replaced it with mature bull shin bone and repeened the tang to the handguard .....working on the scrimshaw on the bone over the summer will photo when finished ... and post
  20. the assortment looks pretty good ....i also agree with rumba perhaps a burgundy as well .........
  21. i have several of those cutlasses and it depends on the individual piece as to the weight ...i have three that are heavy at about 3.8 lbs and some just over 2.5 ....and making scabbards for them is fairly easy but since they are forged in small family forges in india each piece is different so the scabbards must be one of's ... and i have used them for some serious stage combat sessions and they have held up well
  22. so where are the pictures????
  23. i must say you do make a lovely pyrate lass .... hope to get a chance t' meet you at parf this autumn ....
  24. sorry to hear of your misfortune lad ...been there m'self and as for the shoemaker ....so many manufacturers make promises they have no intentions of delivering upon .....HUZZAH!!! for your efforts and for those who are disappointed ....it didn't cost you a farthing so quit your carping
  25. according to the website it states it's the 23-24 of september
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