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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. patrick (et. al.) i have a serious jones for coffe m'self and i will have a coffee pot that i keep going most o' the day for at least 12-15 hours and i will also have french press pots for those who like a bit of the finer brew ...so don't fear about coffee ...i also have a good turkish hand grinder
  2. welcome aboard our humble establishment ....and i will admit i do enjoy a woman in your position so t' speak always seems to be a conversation starter a good way to break the iss (damnedable typos) make mine a flaggon of fine black rum lass here's t' ye and yer stay ashore with the likes of us
  3. coc au van with whipped cauliflower with sour creme and greene beans almondine and a nice chardonay ...and for desert a light sugar free home made lime mousse
  4. aye silkie.... slipping a bit of scots into yer irish was quite intentional and i recall i enjoyed the tune you sang while i did
  5. i might suggest a process of limeing the wood ....the effect uses white paint highly thinned and tinged with just a touch of green ....you wipe it on and then wipe it off almost immediately ...it catches in the grain and it was a processed used to keep the rot down in wooden cabin walls especially from wood worms ...the original process used quick lime a bit caustic for modern purposes the paint trick gives the impression without the effects to skin and clothing from contact
  6. reneactor fest might be a lot closer to me but i am a pirate not a cival war buff nor WWI or WWII and i'm planning on coming down as a suttler ....so i'll wave at gettysburg as i drive by on route to KW .....i'm sure there will be other times or events that i can do closer to home but there is only one PIP in KW!!!
  7. the pimpmypirate.com webpage ..... maybe it's a my space thing what was he thinking???and was he actually firing that musket down there??? and if so it's a shame a spark from his pan didn't ignite that polyester pimp hat!!! or maybe seagulls could use it for target practice :) :)
  8. i hit that 72 virgins limit in 1968 .....those were some good years!!! and since ........it's been about 9 years since the last one she was 29 and had been a good catholic girl....but i don't have much temprement anymore to teach the young'uns
  9. damn!! driving within 60 miles of RF3 on way to PIP
  10. but alas i sleep with mine every night ...i'm sure we could work something out except for that one small problem.... (yeah that's right see above post) unless you have an extremely large double indemnity policy on his sorry ol' bones
  11. hail and well met m'darlin.... ye know there's one think i can't abide when i spys a lass as fair as the likes of you....when she starts to talk and she uses those damnable 7 letter words ...it send pangs of sharp pain to m'loins the likes of which are words like HUSBAND!!! always hate to begin a beautiful friendship with "excuse me while i kill your mate" welcome aboard anyways lass and i'll be having a flaggon of ray's finest black barbados rum
  12. i think she means the fellow she is standing with in her post silkie
  13. great presentation display ...it might not 100% but it better than what these folks get from hollywierd
  14. there are two old timers i would cast votes for; victor maclaughlin and wallace beery maclaughlin played the foil to john wayne in the quiet man shown above as maureen o'hara's brash brother
  15. i personally like version 10
  16. another shamless self promotion the cost of the doglock musket would be $595 +$40s/h that's still less than loyalist and that doesn't include their international shipping charges and customs fees plus you'd still have to drill the touchhole ....what i have will be fireable right from the box - just add powder
  17. drilling the touch hole is fairly easy with a good/new tungsten carbide drill bit i usually use a dremel tool first to give me a pilot mark to set by drill to then take my time and keep the pressure steady and fairly light as not overheat the bit and have it snap ..... the doglock is a nice weapon either in the musket or blunderbuss shameless self promotion .....i can give you a better price than loyalist on either w/ garanteed service to boot
  18. if those flying in could coordinate their plans with others perhaps those folks if arriving within say a 8-12 hour time frame of each other could join together and rent a car/van to drive down from miami ......it would be cheaper than the bus and less hassle getting around after hours once there ...just a thought...or perhaps line up somebody who'll be driving through to stop and pick you up plan ahead carpools from other areas of the country are much cheaper than traveling solo or just as a couple if everyone kicks in for gas ....
  19. more than a few prayers are answered in this but any and all who can contribute in what ever amount please do so ....we have to save this beauty so she can continue pyrating the seas for all of us here at the pub and elsewhere that pyrates gather!!! i know it can hurt but try to send a month's drinking money!!!!
  20. i have a couple of extra canvas drop cloths that i'll bring to cover stuff and i should be able to bring some rope as well and lanterns and cookware
  21. sent what i could.... the power company will have to wait until next month for their money ....gary what about kit what can you and the crew use i've got a few seamstresses willing to do a bit of sewing for me ....shirts. slops, etc. or modern mundane stuff as well ..........our prayers are with you ........glad everyones' safe and doing well or as well as can be expected... now the rest of you scurvvy lot dig deep and help our brothers out!!!!!
  22. call it what you willl ...sure whatever it is there will be somebody who takes issue with it and will have to play the spoiler ......... just name the bloody thing and let the chips or is that ships fall where they willl
  24. quite a fair looking piece you have there lad ...my compliments
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