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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. Damned right it will be better!!! .....God willing I'll be there!!! ...perhaps SEAWYTCH
  2. :) :) :) :)
  3. i think there be a hidden meaning in that............. <3
  4. thanks will ...i know what my plans were and what changed them ...and that's all i can do ....figured i'd rather be able to make it home either from surgery or from KW but couldn't do both this year ....but got a new clockwork in m' chest and they told me it's got a good warranty on it so i should be able to be there next year and a few more after that!!! and who knows i just be coming down with a new bride in tow
  5. i have done at least 5 of the queen anne pistol kits and about a dozen or so of the kentucky pistols plus several of the long gun/rifle kits they are pretty easy for the beginner and can be customized for those a bit more adventurous with carving or inlays don't be afraid to give them a go
  6. so damned pissed i had to miss it the surgey took less than 2 hours to put the new clockwork in m'chest and i was out of hospital the next bloody dayso when everyone was packing up i'm in heading to the hospotal so that God willin' i'll be around for next PIP!!!
  7. you know what they say about the squeeky rudder getting the grease...... it is so true that a satisfied customer tells their friends but an unsatisfied customer tells the world glad it worked out for you i recall your previous posting
  8. deal or no deal?? damn and i was hoping for a boarding party with you
  9. if i do will you measure my inseam
  10. I don't mind getting chastised for the pervert i might be but i hate to be chastised for somebody elses accusations ...... god knows i get into enough shite of m'own!!!
  11. I open this thread to see about a good looking shirt for sale ...and first thing i see is m'name being bantied about & accused of dispicable things ...... First who ever said i even wear underwear let alone thongs Secondly i would let Kass "measure" any part of me she'd like
  12. a finer skipper no crew has ever had ...he'll be sorely missed here's to ye capt'
  13. damn siren!!! i see the hearbreakers are breeding!!!! it's good to see that future pyrates will have such beauties to pursue!
  14. tis a bitch getting older ...i must report that due to m' physicans demands i won't be attending this year ...i have been trying to put off the procedure he wants to do on dec. first (a new clockwork for m' ticker) but alas his reasoning has won out ...so it is with deepest regret that i cannot attend this year DAMNABLE OL' SAWBONES!!!!
  15. let's see ....first off fire power would be important i'd prefer an uzi (light and fast seldom jams and the ammo it lighter for round/weight ) with 5000 rounds of ammo secondly a cigarret boat with extra 500 gal. gas and oil (being able to strike a vessel before thay could target their guns on you) 75mm recoiless rifle mounted on the deck with at least 200 rounds compass, sextant and charts 3 good knives (one work knife and 2 fighting knives) a cutlass good camo tent with screening and 5000 sq feet of camo netting c'mon we 're talking fantasy
  16. let's see tonight it was a good night to cook so i made a homemade chicken with apples sausages and whipped cauliflower au gratin and fresh green beans with pearl onions and white button mushrooms ...and a nice cider ...will probably have a tawny port after while
  17. spoken like a gentleman patrick ...thank ye lad :)
  18. yes i will admit this is the lass that has captured m'heart .....never thought it would happen in this way but i can't imagine anyone else i want to grow old with ...hey wait i am old!!! but she isn't and she makes me feel so young just to share a day with her
  19. Now there's a comely wench/mudder if ever i've seen one ...hello darlin'!!!
  20. darlin' i'd have to agree with the last 2 gents!!! that sword is not worth melting it down and reforging a screwdriver out of it and as to it having a certificate i can sell any sword and make a piece of paper to go with it if you want a certificate ....save your money and keep looking for another sword
  21. sorry to read of your loss lad ....but he had a true friend in you and let's hope the day comes when you get to see him again ....and rides the heavens with him :)
  22. i think perhaps what the new mate is actually discribing is more a theatrical flash pot and yes black powder or goex in and uncontained vessel will give a flash and smoke with out the boom ....in essence it isn't really a cannon of any sorts just a visual and not audible gag like what would be done on stage since you can't have the concussion within the confines of a proscenium stage i have also in the past used a variation of his devise the sound effects person uses recorded cannon fire but the flash pot gives the visual
  23. and joshua the scourge and i hail from the mountains on the western end of the state in the alleghenies and there are many more from this part of the country just not all are active on the pub ...but you might consider going to the pa renfaire for pirates weekend in september to find more to swap tales with
  24. the lovely weasel in naught but a pair of stripey stockings now there's a thought to make almost any man's heart skip a beat here's to ye lass
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