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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. those 2 blades are massed produced wall hangers the steel probably won't allow a lot of polishing or sharpening the blades are stamped not forged and available on ebay for $40 or less the top one is called a carlosV style and the lower one is an alphonso sword dress em up a bit and carry to faires etc. but don't even think about live steel with either
  2. mmmmmmm new toys!!! have to be good between now and christmas/ twelfth night so that i'll buy myself one
  3. from pittsburgh you could carpool the whole way ....since i drive down I-79 into west virginia and then continue south about 26 hours of driving and since i'll be packing all sorts of weapons one more rapier would be no biggie pm me if you want to travel that way
  4. aye lass i have yer toys coming to ye this week if you'd like ....when i see's the heft of yer purse!!! not that i don't trust ye lass ..........but yer a pirate after all!!! and NO i don't trade in kisses!!!
  5. pete don't retype just scan and then cut and paste :)
  6. a dussage cutlass was a bit of an ugly weapon but nasty and they go for around $200 so ugly that they're pretty and not the weapon for a "gentleman"
  7. what's your price rage lad!!!
  8. i just like being prepared for almost any contingency and nothing wrong with being a bit over prepared for a good raid or battle :) :) :)
  9. i had my local jeweler make an earing from a 8karat blood ruby that i got in zanabar in the sixties my first piercing was done by a chard of flying glass in 1967 and i have kept going since then piercings you can always remove and they will eventually close over for the most part if you so choose
  10. i also would be more than willing to do any artwork and graphics that might be wanted or needed ....any input would be better than nothing at all!!!
  11. aye tis true about the locals ....but there has to be advertising and signage in place for anyone to know what's going on ...would be nice if the trams actually came back to the fort too but that would mean the organizers would have to smooze and get the local chamber of commerce and press behind them and their efforts and perhaps arrange some free concerts around mallory square or the schooner warf ....and hand outs by participants in full kit with maps ('04 my son and i passed out a thousand flyers on the streets but nobody knew where the fort was)and perhaps a discount coupon of some sort to lure folks in
  12. decided to finally group the arsenal in one large posting ....haven't been able to get them all in one shot as of yet!!!
  13. not so you'd notice most nights and if i do just toss a bucket boot at me head!!!
  14. same shite different day
  15. that frenchman's work is friggin' incredible as was the original .....i had to wipe up the drool
  16. they have compared two different models in the above posts as to the one you asked about loyalist calls them their english lock i have a pair of each of them from loyalist (1615 english lock & the later doglock)....they are incredilbly light and extremely well balanced both perform admirably and they fired first time and almost everytime ...i have fired about about 40-50 loads from each one ....about 15 with patched ball with a pretty accurate result at 20 yards i also sold a couple while in hamton in june and the fellows said they fired well ps from middlesex you will save the import duty
  17. i'd love to come to thte ball ..............except for the fact that i'm 2800 miles away
  18. excellent news lad ....i am making arrangements to be there by late wednesday since i have to drive down from pennsylvania i will fill out and send in the vendor application to harry probably this next week with some photos of the type items that i intend to sell ....HOT DAMN!!!
  19. rayon is not now nor never will be a natural fiber and any lubber telling you that is full of shite ....(stupid people!!!)
  20. let the folks know how much you want for them lad ....hard to get folks to make choices without all the details
  21. i actually think that wallace berry(1934) did a better job of silver than did newton and jackie cooper played jim hawkins
  22. saw it friday morning at a 10am showing ....incredible cg effects i like a good complex storyline that makes me think to follow everything! and as for the beards .... mine has been on m' chin for 45 years not sure i have but 1 picture of me without it from the early 60's
  23. duncan -great pics!!! perhaps i'll have to make this a requisit stop next summer
  24. lass, just post on the quartermaster's post on this site and william will add your name to our list ....other than that there is no registration needed; it's just attend and be happy :)
  25. and the others can make wonderful gifts
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