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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. Crap! Is this the one I sent in my subscription cehck & never heard anything? Now I have to dig through old checks...
  2. A bagel and way-too-melty cream cheese
  3. National Geographic
  4. It's in me personal address book. Sorry, not tellin'.
  5. The coins are brass. Brass tarnishes (oxidizes) in contact with human skin. The answer is simplicity itself: Brasso. It's available in hardware, grocery and convenience stores everywhere. Apply a little, rub in with a cloth or paper towel, then wipe it off. Just like new. Brasso is a bit nasty on your hands, however, so you will want to use gloves or at least wash them thoroughly when you are done. Alternative: A pencil eraser. Rub it on the coin, and it remove the tarnish. However, that is because it is slightly abrasive (ultimately not good for the coin, but the adverse effects are minimal), and the excessive rubbing involved really only works for one or two coins. For more, I recommend Brasso. It works great, especially since that's what it was made to do: shine brass. Toothpaste works the same way: because it is abrasive. I take a pouch of 20 to 40 dollar coins with me to every Pirate event (Civil War reenactments, too). They make great-looking "doubloons" (or CW $20 gold pieces), and you can actually purchase stuff with them. I try to shine them up all nice and purdy like before each event.
  6. Here... I will make it even easier for you.... Text of select Letters of Marque There. Now you are all empowered.
  7. Candied "orange slices" I picked up at Wlagreens last night. I need to get rid of these things -- although they claim to be "FAT FREE FOOD; Gluten Free; 0 Trans Fat"! Oh, then I guess they are good for me!
  8. You were supposed to stipulate "No fair wishing for more wishes." So, assuming that additional wishes are not allowed... I am so happy with my life, I cannot imagine what I would wish for. No, really, it's been that good. Perhaps ... (1) Enough money to be independently wealthy enough to be able to have nothing but spare time for the remainder of my life (not ALL the money, just ENOUGH). that includes paying off the house, the cars, getting another motorcycle, stocking enough for all the kids through college, and then investing in my own dream store/business which, if it fails, I still have enough to live on. (2) The ability to relive any event (i.e.: an hour or a whole day) in my life. Not "Do-overs," just "Do-agains." I've had some pretty damned good times. (3) Probably some sort of body improvement (i.e.: lose weight or toning) without the grueling work-out regimine which I am apparently too lazy to do anyway.
  9. Something no one (at least, not in this Pub) knows about me? I can sex sharks. (Actually, everyone who was at Chicago's Shedd Aquarium the same day as my son and I knows this. And now I realize this is inadmissible, as my son knows it, too.)
  10. This entire thread has me now thinking about making a mermaid fin....
  11. .... and how does one get invited to your TLAP party? It matters not, for I will be in the St. Louis area one way or the other the weekend of Sept 16-17.
  12. People come in all shapes and sizes, and that makes the world a better and richer place. But that still means that certain people should show some restraint in the clothes they choose to wear (There is another thread already established on this topic). Where was park security when this lady was walking around? Someone could have acually lost an eye! I myself was tempted to dig out both of mine!
  13. Oh, yes I do! I rarely go looking for fabric without coupons in hand or clearance sales in mind. I scored a pirate's bounty of cloth at a fraction of the cost when all the local JoAnne Fabrics stores were consolidating for a re-opening of a major new store two years ago, and saved over $200 on their 99c pattern sale. More recently, I saved a ton of money using a "40% off 1 cut of fabric" coupon (6.5 yards!) in making my Pirate coat (seen in the mermaid pic above). BTW, the aforementioned (and pictured) mermaid's tail consisted of individual scales.
  14. In my previous trips this summer to the Faire, I also had people stop and ask me where to get buckly shoes.
  15. A handful of salt? Only the luckiest orcs would have something so tasty.
  16. I had to throw her back -- I was over my limit.
  17. I, too, barely made it home. Friday night was not a full night's sleep for me: we have two new kittens, and they have been allowed out from their "Sanctuary" room less than a week... so they still find sleeping humans a novel thing to sniff, crawl over, lick and bite (I had a girlfriend like that once...). By the end of Saturday I was exhausted. And I still had to get through a birthday dinner that night... BACK ON TOPIC: I believe that "Iron Hook" was not previously on my list. Met him at Port Washington June '06. He is the purveyor of Fine Pirate Hooks, useful for Pirates everywhere EXCEPT at Bristol Renaissance Faire. I highly recommend His Hooks (shameless plug!), and hope he will pay me to be his full-time celebrity spokesperson...
  18. Technically, I think a "Fop" would actually wear buckles on his shoes.... Speaking of which, dare I post pictures of Far-Too-Tight-Leather-Shorts-Mom? Perhaps not... they should not be seen by the eyes of Mortal Men, for they shall turn to stone all who gaze upon them...
  19. You look like ye had a great time, Rats! (anyone tracking my posts will notice I just now got an awful lot of mileage posting and re-posting the same three photos... I'd better upload some different ones...)
  20. What the... ? Oh dear... I really do not remember that. You all say I missed the whores... I was too busy fishing with my hook -- see what I caught?
  21. I posted plenty of pics of me already... but I really like how this one (Brsitol Renaissance Faire) turned out.
  22. Here's a shot of Rateye in his fancy new shoes. Personally, I think the no-buckles look gives them a certain character...
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