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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. Finger-licking good
  2. Now, seriously. I believe it was in response to something terribly inappropriate, bawdy or over-assuming I said in jest. You and/or the Captain stated that, in this case, I must not be allowed to attend RF2. At the time, it was all quite hilariously funny. Now I wish I could remember the context. I thought YOU would remember, and laugh when I reminded you. But now it's all gone terribly downhill....
  3. Thanks -- I received the e-mail before seeing your post. Well, I am a little less bitter about the deal. But now I need to dig up a copy of the cancelled check so I can back up my claims. I may be a pirate, but I am not a dick.
  4. I distinctly recall these very words being spoken by you... as the cat was in possession of the Captain's tongue. I forget the exact context... Never fear, for I am working on a Letter of Marque to grant myself save passage past the front gates of the event....
  5. Well, I am getting rather bitter about this publication. I e-mailed the contact people at the magazine about my subscription, and have not received any response at all. My kudos to those who had also pre-subscribed but had later canceled their checks due to the delay... I should have followed suit.
  6. At the top of the "PIRATE POP" section, there is an Important Topic titled: Arrr!: All Pirate Movies; list of all pirate movies ever made Much of your work has already been done. You might want to start by copying that list and then checking out the subsequent updates added to it. I have already done this, and have it saved as a Word Document on my computer, which I have then color coded as to whether I (1) have seen the movie or (2) own a copy of it.
  7. My sentiments exactly (even the "Crikey!"). However, I cannot imagine he would have been more satisfied going in any other way than by an encounter with a deadly venomous animal. Poisonous spine directly into the heart? That, my friends, is a death. But the world is a smaller place without Irwin and his advocacy of wildlife.
  8. ... especially since I am apparently already barred from entering that event, which will contain real uniformed Nazis.
  9. Kass... As I see these pictures and review the ones in my camera, I'm jealous of myself! I wish I could remember half of what happened yesterday! The day dragged before you arrived. While I caught three or four musical acts, and was certainly not bored, the first three hours of the day lasted forever. Then you showed up, and I swear the next five hours were over in 15 minutes. Time flies when you're having fun? I fear humans were not supposed to have this degree of fun. Any more fun, and we would have actually started travelling backwards in time. By the way, Rateye, thank you most kindly for not ever suggesting I attempt returning to the parking lot during the day. Naked chainmail lady aside (that was in another thread ... and I forgot to share that story with you), I had no desire to attempt park re-entry. Worked out rather well. In fact, I avoided Park Security like the plague. Speaking of which -- why did neither of us think of getting a photo of the plague doctor guy? I could totally make one of those masks.... I guess I can do it from archival pictures... Oh! Look! here's one for sale! Yeah, this looks like a great Ren Faire costume: Will do. I would love to know what else you plan to display ... I would be more than happy to help augment your collection, if there is anything I have that would do it justice.
  10. Posted too fast... Most large chain bookstores (Borders, Barnes & Noble) also carry ink pens and jars of ink. These can be had cheaper at arts & crafts stores (Hobby Lobby, Michaels... sometimes the larger JoAnn Fabrics stores). If you are inexperienced in using a pen, it might be wise to write each entry first on a separate sheet of paper, be happy with your lettering and technique, then copy meticulously into your journal. Also -- check the "bleed through" of your ink before deciding to write on BOTH sides of each page. I had a big pirate event yesterday, and I just decided to include my pirate tattoo, and Mediterranean boat cruise (aboard a 100-foot wooden gullet) as pirate events.... must compose my newest notes.
  11. I originally thought it would be stupid to even post this project in the Pub.... The fact that I have in any way inspired you to do it makes it all worth while. The local Borders book store had an assortment of leather (and realistic-looking leather) bound lined journals on clearance sale. This was only a few days ago, so I recommend you look in your local store in case the product discontinuation is chain-wide. I opted (as mentioned) for the book-sized journal, instead of the more authentic ledger size because (1) it was on clearance sale and (2) I can actually carry this size around with me with minimal headache. I would not recommend waiting for a sale -- at least see what is readily available at your local bookstore (most have a "Journal" section), and see what fits into your budget. If there is modern unwanted printing inside the front cover (i.e. an ISBN number and publisher information), this can be easily covered up. Let me know if you don't have your own ideas for this cosmetic treatment. Of course, you could also create a ledger-sized book from scratch (I have done this before) but it is a most daunting task...
  12. See? Good Lord, I look totally wasted in those portraits...
  13. I cannot begin to sing praises strong enough for the captain and crew of the Archangel. A finer band of pirates? I think not. I thought it was fun walking around with the lot of you a couple of weeks ago... But when I saw this crew of superbly-adorned and accoutered pirates approaching the Pig & Whistle Pub... words fail me. I thought the captain's recent words and threats against the sewing elves were all bluster and smoke -- but the results.... Oh, the results. Captain Sterling, sir, you have a presence about you... I remain impressed and, again, words fail me. Ratseye... Mister March... your new finery is to die for. I am still processing in my mind what you wore. I remain very, very impressed. Rats, I would not have imagine that anything so understated could look so incredibly perfect. What you wore was almost identical to the vision of what I had wanted to make several years ago, which was the driving force behind my creating a pirate outfit in the first place. I am now rethinking everything I have done... Skittles, I still remain dumbfounded by your button-making (weaving?) skills. Cheeky... I already ran out of words long ago. People, it was an honor to be in your company for the day. Sadly, the party had started before ye arrived, I was already two (out of three) sheets to the wind, and was certainly not at my finest by the time ye all showed up (I was possessed by the Spirit of the Faire before ye got there!). But if I embarrassed myself, I hope ye got some good pictures out of the process. I cannot readily call to mind a more enjoyable day spent with people who were not immediate family members. Captain Sterling,I remain a faithful member of another ship already, but if your crew ever musters at an event, and ye would be willing to press into service this lowly volunteer, barring any other conflicts, I would be honored to be in your company again. Ye have only to say the word. Cheeky, I am angered at myself... did ye forget, or choose not to press me? You asked about borrowing my shackles and I said yes... but when we got to the car I was mostly concerned about securing my gear, and forgot what we had discussed. They are still yours to borrow, but now they are back in my hands, which may no longer be convenient for you. The promise stands, however, and we simply have to work out logistics. If it is for RF2 (for instance) it can be easily arranged. If ye had something sooner in mind, perhaps Mister March can act as courier (I plan to see him at the Minooka reeanctment). Again, just say the word. And I have run out of words. I am still processing the events of yesterday. Damn, I had a great time, and I thank each and every one of you.
  14. This was my intent as well. All the facts are essentially accurate, I simply skew them to not sound like they occured in landlocked Southern Wsiconsin, for example. A suggestion for you: pick up a leather-bound journal and re-write your entries into it using pen and ink. From what you are saying, you have established what could be a First Draft of sorts. I have actually not written a single entry into the journal yet -- I have jotted down pages and pages of notes regarding the various events, arranged them chronologically, then written (and revised twice) drafts of how I want it all worded. I also gathered photographs and images I intend on copying into the journal (sketches to accompany and illustrate some of the text).
  15. For the record, the suggestion of a theoretical game in which we imagine the possibility of a hypothetical challenge to see who could obtain the most women's phone numbers during the course of a day, in response to which I actually pushed the envelope to flirt and shmooze women to show how close I can get to their probable willingness to offer up their phone numbers... ... is not admissible to this thread, as I didn't actually get any phone numbers. So nobody mention it, okay?
  16. Where has this topic been hiding? I thought of creating this thred a while back, when comparing notes with PyratePhil, but was hesitant to reveal too much... This being said, there are things I will not reveal, as they fall within my "Don't kiss and tell" tenet, which is akin to an "Attourney-Client Priviledge." However, yesterday morning, I arrived 45 minutes before the (Bristol) Faire opened, and took my sweet time getting my gear together. Suddenly, I heard a shriek from two cars over from where I was parked. Standing up, I saw a young woman holding herself, having just slipped a chain-mail bra over a somewhat skimpy top. "Cold?" I asked her. "Yes," she replied, "and what's worse, I forgot to bring a bra, so I don't know what I am going to wear under this." So, I tried as hard as I could to be a gentleman, and tried so utterly hard to NOT stare and gawk at this woman (oh, and she was quite cute, I must add) as she stripped off her top while wearing covering herself as much as possible the whole time with the chilled chainmail bra. And then some more as she custom-fitted some material with electrical tape inside the bra... while wearing it. But I got more than an eyeful. Nice way to start the day. In my defense, I must state that this woman addressed her wardrobe malfunction while standing up outside her car in the parking lot, using the windows of her car as mirrors to monitor her progress. It's not like I was peeping into her car, spying on her as she tried so desperately to find some privacy inside her vehicle. She was outside in teh parking lot. The whole thing had the feel of spying on your brand new girlfriend as she tries to get dressed in the dark bedroom, modestly hiding her body from you, not aware that you are actually awake in bed watching her the whole time. Oh -- when she was done and gone, I realized that I had put all my crap on the wrong way, and had to start over almost completely from scratch. Must not have had my mind on the job.
  17. poor sales resistance
  18. I presume someone else has thought of this before, but I have been mulling this idea around for a while and am going to give it a try. I am making a personal ship's log. I picked up some VERY discounted leather-bound journals at the local book store (during an unsuccessful attempt to locate an issue of Pirates magazine). While a ledger-sized journal would be more authentic, it would be impractical to carry around. Big deal, right? Wait... hear me out... I am not making a fictionalized authentic looking artifact with coordinates, wind conditions, soundings, etc. Maybe, someday... Instead, my Log will consist of chronological entries entailing every pirate-related event in which I have been actually physically involved over the past three years (and continue forward from here), only in Ship's Log form. When I purchased those three flintlocks at a flea market? That's a log entry. I picked up an astrolabe on eBay? Log entry. Of course, it will be worded that I acquired the much-needed navigational device as plunder in a raid of some sort... not that I got it off the internet. Pirate Festival in Port Washington? That's three days stretched over several pages. I am most interested in chronicling (through this fictionalized diary of sorts) the acquisition of major pirate gear and which pirate characters I have met. Have I met you? Then you're going to be in there... somehow. Sure, most all of this has been noted somewhere in the Pub, but I thought I would try to collect all of this personal information in one place. And make it fun to read. I have more thoughts on the process involved (inventorying which "events" to chronicle, then writing drafts to make them sound "salty," etcetera), but I'll save that for later. Anyway... thought I'd share.
  19. Ahoy Young Master William! Where ye be?
  20. I still like the unbuckled shoe look... Of course, you had to walk like an arthritic duck in order to keep them on your feet.
  21. I won't have any time to eat... It'll just be a cup of coffee at StaAHHRRRRbucks.
  22. blackstrap molasses
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