I admit it, and I am sorry...
As I mentioned to you, I picked up my "tin" tankard at a CW reenactment for about $15. Lightweight, it is my favorite, but it will crush if I land awkward on it (ironically, the more I drink...)
I picked up a brass tankard (with wooden handle!) for $5 at a flea market. This was my favorite before the tin one.
What's the Colonial tankard shaped kind of like a snail? I have one of those -- $5 at an antique store. But it's so freaking heavy -- worse than the astrolabe.
Then I have several glass-bottomed pewter tankards, which I actually use at home for my Guinness. These are readily available at antique stores and flea markets everywhere. Again, $5 is the going price for used tankards just about everywhere... but there are better deals to be had.
Then there are the super-tall Playboy aluminum tankards. Ubiquitous at flea markets. I picked one of them up for my son, but the etched Playboy bunny logo has got to go.
I saw a wonderfully authentic "blackjack" (tarred leather tankard) at Heathrow airport, a souvenir of the Tower of London (I did not see them for sale at the Tower itself!), but it was over US$50. Still worth it, IMHO, and I regret passing it up.
Rateye, at my last few reenactments this season, if I find another tin one, hell, I'll buy the damned thing for you. Then we'll have to go out drinking again so you can get it from me. See? a Win-Win scenario.