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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. Then me sails be set for the port of Bristol on Sunday. ...and me pistol be set towrads anyone who tries to mess with this plan. Sterling: check. Rats? I believe ye said this worked for ye. Cheeky simply must be there -- else we could not celebrate her birthday. Anyone else?
  2. Bilgemunkey -- thanks for the helpful reminder regarding magazine titles... now if I can find that other topic thread, I might be able to find out what I did... (I really do not want to search through all my previous posts!)
  3. The most trouble was taking the piecs out of teh box and building it. Slow and steady wins the race; I essentially built the whole thing in a single six hour session in the back yard. There's another thread in the Pub where I recorded my trials and tribulations... somewhere... To sum up: I drank too much beer in the process. I had to get up too often to obtain another tool I did not think to carry out to the back yard with me. And (everyone's advice) use caution when bending the trigger guard -- there is a natural weak point at the screw hole that is prone to snapping. However, if you are cautious about this, you should not experience any problem.
  4. I can only make ONE day at Bristol -- so is Sunday when all your crewmates are planning on being there? If so, then that is the date for me. I always hated Mondays anyway.
  5. So let me get this straight... Sunday? Sunday? I have to start the negotiations all over again... (Sunday, apparently, does not equal Monday). Are you all sure? You are all planning to hit the Faire on Sunday September 3?
  6. So you say... The local Borders does NOT have the magazine, and could not find it in their system. I went to the local Tower Records, which stocks every magazine known to mankind, and several which belong to distant alien galaxies (did you know there is a fetish/porn magazine catering to the crowd of "ponies" -- people who dress up in leaher bridles and like to be ridden as if they are horses? Does this magazine get a wide distribution?) ... Anyway. No Pirates. Never heard of it. I might still hit the Barnes & Noble, but I am getting rather disillusioned.
  7. Good Lord, what happened to this thread? The smaller shackles I have may actually do the trick, but we would have to try them on for size. They are considerably smaller than the "regular" shackles. Of course, there's also standard (modern) handcuffs... Regarding the rope thing -- this gives "peace-tying" a whole new meaning.
  8. Can do... but I am NOT making multiple trips to the parking lot (Enter park once. Exit park once)! And I am not planning to carry around 20 pounds of iron with me... I browned the barrel of my Queen Anne. It was the first time I browned anything, and I think it came out a bit heavy... but I like it nonetheless. Again, I am real happy with this kit.
  9. I am thinking of changing my Pub name from "Cap'n Pete Straw" (and subsequent nickname "Peaches") to "Glutton for Punishment." Show of hands, all who are planning to go to Bristol Renaissance Faire for their closing day (Monday, September 4)! Anyone? Anyone? So, I plan on going, and hope nothing (like, let's say... common sense? past experience? personal integrity?) stops me. I have nothing more to add.
  10. Yes -- they were tather shiny... but I picked up a pair because I want that style in my collection. Rayeye, I will bring along the irons -- presuming I'm at the Faire on Labor Day (still looking good...but I will have to bribe the wife with something). I will probably wear the lightweight irons on my belt, or if security hassles me, on my wrists...
  11. I also have a Queen Anne -- it's in the photo on the upper right. Mine has a steel barrel (I didn't even know they came in brass). An excellent gun, and I want to purchase and build another.... but first, it's bagpipes, then a blunderbuss... I totally forgot about that! Good thinking -- I wish I had looked there immediately -- even if it was found, it's probably been mislaid already. It's worth a look, however.
  12. Some God-awful home redecorating show on HGTV. I'm only checking into the Pub for a few minutes, then going to watch some decent DVD in the bedroom upstairs...
  13. My two Sea Service pistols did not have belt clips so, as you can see in this montage of my flintlocks, I solved the problem by attaching them to eack other by a decorative braid "lanyard," to wear around my neck. You have to be careful when running, however, or risk being pummeled to death. And the length of the lanyard is extremely important, if you know what I mean. Also pictured is my steel Scottish Murdock Highlander flintlock -- you can see (between the "rams horns" on the handle) the vent pick which I lost at the Bristol Renaissance Faire. I have not been able to find a replacement via the Internet.
  14. Easy -- the calipers are "original" (but may not be terribly old), and all the rest is repro. I mean, most all of it is the real deal, but it's all of relatively modern construction. I made all the paperworl (maps, Letters of Marque, and paper currency), and all the coins in the photo are fake.
  15. Speaking of eBay, I just did some looking... Theere are some pretty great looking items on there as of today. You might want to check out: "Old West Jailhouse/Outlaw Style Handcuffs & Leg Irons" ($45 + $10 S&H; no bids yet) -- these appear to be what I have in the above photo, only threaded together -- $55 is a GREAT deal; that's about what I paid for my two pair combined. -- or -- "LEG IRONS *ANTIQUE LIKE* CIVIL WAR LOCKS SHACKLE" ($14.95 + $8.95 S&H; no bids yet) -- or -- "ADJUSTABLE DARBY LEG IRONS handcuffs" ($5.50 + $8.00 S&H; 2 bids) You may also notice several listings for "Chinese Leg Irons," but I have not seen these things in person. My experience is that some of these items come with a significant layer of surface rust and must be cleaned up quite a bit. If you move fast, you might pick yourself up a bit of a bargain.
  16. ...And then I remembered that the two "heavy iron shackles" are in a picture I previously posted on the Pub... The leg irons stretch across most of the bottom of the photo... the wrist shackles are at the top, next to the tin tankard... And now I notice the brass tankard (which I mention in your "Tankard" thread) is in the upper right of the photo. The going price for the shackles & leg irons is about $35 on eBay. ...I am sorry to admit that this photo is very outdated... I have acquired much more stuff since it was taken...
  17. Your question was asking about "everyday" wardrobe, right? In that case, I have no pirate themed item. However, as an accessory, I attached a PotC "cursed Aztec gold coin" as a fob on my pocket watch. I have that on me everyday. As far as my pirate gear goes, it has to be my coat... shown in the picture below...
  18. Geez, Rateye, you and I need to hang out a lot more. I have four sets... Two were in my car during the Renaissance Faire... but the topic never came up (and I swear -- one more pass through those gates, and I would've killed someone...) One set are jet black nondescript shackles, which snap securely shut -- you need a narrow screwdriver blade to pry them open (I filed down the tip of a skeleton key to do teh job). Two are heavy iron shackles, which I got off of eBay (try searching for "Shackles" or "leg irons"). One of these are short-chained (for wrists), the others have an approximately 2 foot chain (like for leg irons, or two people to each other). The fourth set I picked up a few weeks ago at the Renaissance Faire. They are like my other heavy iron shackles, but with segmented "cuffs." Real fancy-like. If we are both at the Faire on Labor Day, remind me to bring along some to show you ... or at least point out the vendor that was selling them.
  19. Coffee. I just brewed it. Thinking about what to have for breakfast. Eggs? Kippers? Beans? (I think I spent too much time in London...) Beans it is... Here's my recipe (and I am cooking this as I write it): Dice up one Aidell's portabello mushroom chicken sausage (What? You don't have any? Get to the store!) and brown it in a frying pan (stir often!). While the pan & sausage is still nice & hot, pour in 1/4 cup strong coffee and let it simmer for a minute or two. Then add a 16 oz can of Bush's Maple Cured Bacon Baked Beans. Stir & heat through. Fry up a couple eggs (over easy) and serve them on top of the beans. Better make some toast to sop up the yummy deliciousness. Have a cup of coffee with that. Then sit back and do nothing until lunch....
  20. The hum of the computer... The gurgling of the coffee maker... The... whatever... of the cycling automatic water filter thing for the cats (when I die I want to come back as one of my own cats -- they have it so good.) The occasional "mew" as one of the kittens bites another a bit too hard. Nothing else. It's a sleepy Saturday morning here in Suburbia.
  21. OMG! I just watched that promo, like, 5 times! I am SO watching this show!
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