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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. Sun God ("Here's to the Sun God! He's such a fun god! Ra! Ra! Ra!")
  2. Very, very nice indeed!
  3. Same here. I worked there (when it was KRRF) some 25 (or so) years ago. Still have the requisite employee badges. And you reminded me: I have to dig out some photos of people who still work there -- I promised to bring them with me. I am pretty sure I know exactly where they are ... which is a rare thing for me to be able to say with confidence.
  4. I went! I saw them! It was the final day they were in Chicago, and I had only a two-hour window for an extended lunch hour, but I grabbed a cab & shot over to Navy Pier and saw several of the ships. Quite awesome. Unfortunately, it turned out that more than half the ships were moored on the Chicago River, and not at Navy Pier. This was a short trolly ride away, but I just didn't have the time to go see the rest. What's worse, the Royaliste was moored at an entirely different location. And that was the one ship I was really hoping to see. Also, it was at a location which was conceivably within walking distance from my office ... if I had only known before I set out... Anyway, I took entirely too many photos... but mostly of the rigging (so they all look pretty much the same). I will post some here, as soon as I can get my camera to cybernetically talk with my computer.
  5. Uno mas Guinness, por favor.
  6. No, they were labeled... Thay came from an "Abby" someone.... er... I think the name was "Abby Normal". Although this question seems to have been answered, the following is from the book The Sea Rover's Practice by Benerson Little: Barrels: anker: approximately 8 gallons of liquid, especially brandy or wine. firkin: half of a kilderkin or 8-9 galons. Of butter, weighed 56 pounds. kilderkin: 16-18 gallons. Of butter, weighed 112 pounds. rundlett: 18 1/2 gallons. Often used for gunpowder. barrel or half hogshead: 31 1/2 gallons. One barrel of beef weighed 225 pounds. tierce: 42 gallons (36 of beer to allow for leakage and evaporation).... hogshead: 63 gallons (54 of beer). A hogshead of sugar weighed between 1,000 and 1,600 pounds. tertian or puncheon: 84 gallons (or 72 of beer). pipe or butt: 126 gallons of wine (or 108 of beer for leakage). leager: a water barrel of 150 gallons. tunn: 252 gallons.
  7. Nothing (yet) new to report; I just wanted to find and refresh this thread. If things go as planned, I might have something to add within a couple weeks...
  8. Works for me!
  9. Easy: I am 99.999% positive I will be the ONLY pirate there with a hook for a hand -- so after a short while, I will have established a path of people who have seen "that pirate with a hook for a hand." At present, I plan to arrive before the gates open (but we shall see), and a mandatory plan for me is to see an entire performance of Minstrels of Mayhem at the Pig & Whistle. I am quite confident we will meet (unless you plan on hiding). If you have not seen me (here on the pub), I will be wearing virtually the identical garb pictured earlier in this thread. I am also looking forward to meeting you and others from your crew! Master Tarr, keep us posted. I will likely check this thread as late as the morning before I leave, so give us all a shout if it looks possible for you. In case you are not familiar with the layout, you turn RIGHT inside the gates to head toward the Pig & Whistle. Also, here is the map of the Bristol Renaissance Faire. See you all there!
  10. The movie "Bring it On" on cable.
  11. ... Exactly. So it helps to have that extra strap (you can find SOMETHING useable off the shoelace rack!) as a back-up... especially if They are stationed elsewhere than the opening gate.
  12. In all honesty, I was hoping for Wiliam the Bloody to get the hint. William?
  13. With that in mind, I would find a role for Heidi Klum (as you can see here, she has been desreted on a desert island by her mutinous crew, with barely enough clothing to cover herself and without a merciful single-loaded pistol to end her suffering... poor, poor Heidi... in the next scene I, the Director, will make a cameo appearance and comfort the poor suffering girl...) My dream cast (in fact, I think I dreamed this only last night!) would naturally include Estella Warren... (That was just about the ONLY non-nude pic I could find of her on the Internet. There are WAY better ones, but the Humble Administrator would likely remove them faster than I could post them.) Sorry... I got nothing to add. I was going to list more, but just thinking about how I would block scenes involving Heidi Klum and Estella Warren has got me suddenly un-interested in typing anymor...
  14. Some of my frogs (that's the little device that holds your sword to your belt) are laced together with leather thongs -- I typically incorporate an extra matching piece... when an event calls for peace-tying, I free up the extra strip, run it around the sword and tie a quick square knot that holds it securely in place. For instance, when Civil War reenacting, I have an extra leather thong attached to my Enfield bayonet scabbard. It hangs loose most of the time (and gives the neat Confederate impression that something is old and falling apart), but when entering the battlefield, I will take a moment to tie a quick slip-knot around the bayonet -- those things are incredibly expensive to replace. This is for my own monetary sanity more than for any safety concern. At this past weekend's Bristol Renaissance Faire, they had security peope running around tying down pieces that were not already secured. For this they used those plastic cable-tie locking strips (sometimes called "Zip-Strips"; the ones Riot Police use as handcuffs in emergencies). They caught my son and tied down his sword. It took several minutes, and I found it rather embarassing to be "outed" in this way. A little later, we found a leather worker who was giving away leather strips of various thicknesses and lengths. We took one that was about a foot long, and replaced the cable-tie with it (I had to use the scissors in my Swiss Army Card to cut through the cable-tie, which was an added pain in the arse). Now my son understands why I suggested we do this in the first place. You could be proactive and carry some of those strips with you -- they certainly would pass anyone's minimum Peace-Tying requirement. They come in black which is probably unnoticeable with your gear. Personally, I hate them and would rather go with leather.
  15. Nothing. And I mean nothing. I had a cup of coffee when I left the house this mortning, and found an emergency bag of Sun Chips in my office (which I think saved me from starvation... but are not keeping away the scurvy), but nothing else. I need to get some food, and fast.
  16. William the Bloody (who has posted in this thread) has Flash, and uses it like it's going out of style. I think his signature line has a link to some of his animations. Now if he just created some Pirate-themed animations, Pyrate Phil would link to it in an instant!
  17. US99 -- the local (Chicago) country music station. Awesome! You have drums at your mother's house, and a set of katanas at your father's house. It sure doesn't suck to be you. Except your mother will let you play with the drums, but just TRY plying with those katanas at your Dad's...
  18. Rogue, I hope you don't get the crabs.
  19. It's the Pig and Whistle Tavern... I know it all too well. I found Saturday that the ENTIRE crowd entered the Faire in a clockwise fashion, while my son and I went counter-clockwise. Thus, that end of the Faire (including the Pig & Whistle) was utterly empty for about the first hour. It was a bit early to start drinking, however. I plan on being largely around that area myself, but will assuredly catch the Japanese drummers featured that day. It would help to know when the various crew are planning to arrive. I plan to be wearing my hook, thus I should not be too hard to find. "Thin Spanish Cigars" noted. You should have something else in your mailbox before long...
  20. No, I cannot. I saw it at Blockbuster, but was out-voted on which family movie we were going to rent. So I have not seen it, either. But I want to get it myself. If I rent it, I will say a thing or two about it. If you get it, let me know.
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