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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. Alas, 24 hours and no one else says they are going tomorrow. Oh, well. Just in case someone out there is still going tomorrow... we plan on hanging around the East end of the Faire (more or less around the Pig & Whistle Tavern) most of the day. Didn't see ANY shows last time, so we are going to catch as many as we can tomorrow.
  2. Sushi Deluxe (9 pieces of sushi and a California Roll), and some of my son's Dragon Roll. Washed it all down with a Tsing Tao. Next (now that we are home): polish off the Guinness in the fridge.
  3. Dungeons and Dragons
  4. I am listening to my teenage son complaining about my being on the Pyracy Pub instead of letting him play Warcraft online (the Internest has been down all day and let me remind you that I AM PAYING THE BILLS AND NOT YOU!!!) Jeez. Give it a rest already. He is reading this as I type it. and Still yelling at me.
  5. My speakers are working! Great video!
  6. Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. Not paying attention, but I think I just heard the word "sharK about thrty times in the past three minutes.
  7. Something is wrong with the speakers on my computer -- no sound! WTF? However, the song started in my head all by itself, and synced up perfectly. I need to fix the speakers to listen (for real) again... That was most entertaining... ... even with no sound.
  8. Going back. I have several conflicting events this weekend, but the only one that does not involve more than a half-day driving is going back to the Bristol Ren Faire. I let my son choose -- the Faire it is. So, this Saturday, my son and I will again be at the Faire in our Pirate regalia. More pics to come soon...
  9. I had to work today (downtown Chicago), but was able to see the Tall Ships gather at their starting point (near the Adler Planetarium) and then slowly make their way single file along the lake toward Navy Pier (and points beyond?). [My office window overlooks Lake Michigan] I wish I had been able to watch it at leisure, instead of turning around every five to ten minutes to watch it for another moment... Of course, I will be back at work next week, and might be able to actually get over to where they will be docked. But I oficially saw them today. Cool.
  10. Wintergreen Lifesavers
  11. Just adding my two doubloons worth... although I said this in another thread already. I was thoroughly entertained by PotCII. And I presume -- nay: expect -- that my questions will be answered in PotCIII. I went in the theater understanding that this was the second movie in a trilogy -- and thus carried with it the "bridge" stigma one ought expect from such previous works as Empire Strikes Back... And I felt I got my money's worth. But that's me. However, the third movie had better answer all those questions and tie up all those loopholes, or I will complain the loudest and longest.
  12. Short answer: yes, you make your bid out of all dice still in play-- from all players, including their wildcards. Think of it this way: if you only got to include your own dice when making your bid, there would be no point in all the other players revealing their throws too, when someone calls Liar on you. Second, having access to everyone's dice keeps the bidding going a lot longer in each round. Otherwise, the theoretical highest possible bid is "5 sixes", even when there are 50 dice in play! (Yes, I've played a game that big. It's a blast.) The one way, the bid goes to "five (anything)" and that's pretty much all she wrote. (Most of the time it won't even go that far. How often do you get a Yahtzee, anyway?) The other way (the good way!), you end up bidding twenty or twenty-five of something, and there is a decent chance of there being enough wildcards out there to successfully make even outrageous bids. Having said all that...That rules sheet seems to be written rather poorly. Several people have stumbled over the same thing. (FWIW, I never actually read the rules. I got taught the game a long time back.) Long Tom: I did not read the rules (to Liar's Dice), either. I taught my kids how to play the game while driving home with it (unopened) in the car, at least how I understood how the game was to be played. When we got home, we opened the box and played it my way, and it worked great. Then, much later, I read the rules, and got all confused. I agree: they are poorly written. (Do I recall correctly? I think the rules written by those P.C. folks at Disney don't actually call for you to accuse someone of being a "Liar," rather you are supposed to say "Never Trust A Pirate.") For last weekend's neighborhood block party (where my son and I ran a Liar's Dice table), I purchased 24 expendable cheap wooden dice, for fear that the local kids would spill & lose some of the 20 Pirate Dice that came with the game. Those kids were so in love with the game, that not a single die was lost.
  13. How about "Dogs that look like Hitler"? No? ... Well, then, perhaps "Dogs that look with Hitler"? Okay... That's enough for me. I have got it out of my system. I really have no intention to fill the Pyracy Pub with photos of this insane douchebag. Sorry.
  14. Speaking of cats that look like Hitler...
  15. Hilarious.... but there were an awful lot named "Adolf" and "Hitler." Not the best kitty names. A few photos seem to have been doctored. (Hmmm.... German doctoring to make cats look more like Hitler? Wasn't that the plot of the movie The Tabbies from Brazil?)
  16. Alison Wonderland (along with a phone number, I have seen this name written as graffiti in more than one men's washroom)
  17. *Koff* *gasp* Okay, I wholeheartedly support this woman's right to wear that outfit wherever and whenever she so desires.
  18. I have seen this game but have not played it. Anyone?
  19. Red Handed Jill -- I swear I have seen this same woman. Or her twin sister. That's what I am talking about. *shudder* There must be a more flattering clothing option.
  20. Not so bad, I guess... That is a pretty sweet picture.
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