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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. Yes it has a plot. And I imagine in the "AHRRR" rated version it is easier to follow the plot without all those pesky sex scenes. ... Just don't ask me what the plot was... I simply fast-forwarded the entire movie to see how it was done (costumes, effects, etc.), and get an understanding of what it was all about. Then I watched some of the (boring!!!) DVD extras. I still need to sit down and watch the whole thing.
  2. Ravioli (was frozen -- with a sauce of my own invention) with a Guinness. I am getting the feeling that this thread is turning into a blog of my personal dietary habits.
  3. Blade - The Series. Replay of last week's episode (the missus missed i)
  4. Sang the damned song all day yesterday...
  5. Oops... hit "Post Message" instead of "IMG" button...
  6. ...And I would be irresponsible if I were not to post a picture of William the Bloody here under his resurrected online persona's re-introduction to this pub... One more for good measure...
  7. Didn't think I'd find ye skulking around the pub, did ye? Master William, I surely could have recovered your user name and password... but I dare say ye may have already exceeded the number of posts you had entered under your previous name (pretty sure it was just "William the Bloody"). Well, anyway, welcome back to the pub. I guess you already know you can find me in here. Ray! A round of IBC Root Beer for me young mate!
  8. Yo - young dude! What brings you back to the pub? I hope it's not just Hitler.
  9. Actually, having Englund in a pirate movie as a character with an authentic hook would be a very clever cinematic in-joke...
  10. Sleepless in Seattle
  11. My son came in and asked me why I was playing "that song from Lazytown," so this is the same one. He then recalled -- and sang -- the rest of the lyrics. This was the first ever episode of Lazytown I ever saw, and I thought it was the greatest kid's show ever. Then I learned that the Pirate theme was just the one episode. BTW, I have been on the computer (again) for about a half-hour now, and I have that window open, which has played and replayed that brief Pirate clip about a hundred times now. "Yahr har, Fiddle dee dee, being a pirate is alright to me..." I gotta get that as a ringtone...
  12. No thanks, I'll pass on the port. I'm not a big fan of those fancy wines. A Guinness, if you please.
  13. A root beer float. (I am chasing down leftover pizza from last night)
  14. Yes, yes, I know. And as far as this genre goes, it is far better than most titles. And if you are a Pirate movie fan, and want to see Pirate porn, it's your best bet. One more thing -- I was with my 14-year-old son yesterday in Blockbuster, and came across this very familiar cover artwork. My son said "Dad! Look! Here's a pirate movie with hot women! We should TOTALLY rent this one!" Oh, dear. It took me a bit to distract him to other titles.
  15. Sean Connery. Although casting Connery as the Bad Guy pirate would be really, really cool. Someone else already picked David Warner... ...and Lance Henriksen has already appeared in a pirate movie --wait -- that does not eliminate him from MINE! So I would also cast Henriksen: But I would also have to include Alan Rickman... One of my favorite all-time actors. (sorry about these images -- these are the best examples I could find to forward my point)
  16. Guinness. Actually, I spent Saturday at the Bristol Renaissance Faire with my son, and they seem to not carry Guinness in Wisconsin (except in very, very Irish pubs). So I drank Beamish Stout, which is a fair substitute for Guinness... when one is in Wisconsin. But when we went out to the local pub last night for pizza, it was Gunness.
  17. Tappa Kegga Bru (Rated Best of all Fraternities... by its own members)
  18. "Any Port in a Storm"
  19. Was that sone from the pirate episode of Lazytown ? I would love to get that as a ringtone on my phone!
  20. Whose Line is it Anyway (the original British series) on BBC-TV.
  21. Two grilled cheese sandwiches and a cup of coffee. It was so good that I forgot about the croissants in the oven (which I am cooking for everyone else), and almost burned them.
  22. Athos, Porthos and Aramis
  23. Shame? Shame, eh? Well, I will have you know that August 19 is already marked on my calendar! This was my son's last weekend with me this summer, so he picked the Ren Faire from among several "Things To Do" choices. This was only an added weekend for me, not a replacement! However, I already had (and continue to have) my sights on the Faire for the 19th. I plan to attend and will look you all up if I make it. ... a brief report on yesterday's festivities when I have a chance. But it only whetted my appetite for a THIRD visit this summer.
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