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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. The wind is getting worse and the seas have jumped double in size we are bobbing around like a broken raft. Clouds heavy with a greenish grey glow and a ringing in me ears is overpwering me conceptions of what could be and will be. I can only ask in our captains return the best of that which is, is now ours. I look over to Visser who has been near to our wanderings all morning but more like a roving mole watching listening and learning. I call him over. Carpenter I says. we best do the best we can to batten down the hatches there be a squall headin in to our face and I will be goin over to the Watch Dog to discuss our cuttin loose. I think about the list I need to address the captain with: To begin, we must begin passing over barrels of water and grog. Dried beef and fish, oats and grain, then we have to get this ship to shore.
  2. Ahoy there you scum drenched scalliwags and salty old sea dogs this be yer wake up call. 9 more days!
  3. We watched from the deck of the Merchantman as our captain stood atop at rails edge and addressed the French Officer. We waited and saw our captain having waited for his accompanyment to descend the ropes then too heaved oever and dropped safely to the barge Sampsons deck. I looked at Lenaerts expression and found him studying me his return. I didn't know quite what to think. I addressed Mr P E W from the corner of my mouth. Captains back on the Sampson, All is well! Pass the word stand down. I repeat stand down! Mr Lenaerts would you be so kind so as to address those below to again and sorrowfully so stow the weapons sir?
  4. I having found the Dutch ships master Mr. Lenearts and Bosun Mr. Eynbrecht did use the two of them to simply parade around the main and quarter deck pointing at missing masts and rigging still needing certain and quick repair. Then leaning over the side and making small talk abour their families while looking as if we were talking about ships matters got to where we were going to start the third time around when I said lets go below and clear the deck with a meal bell. So we did leaving six crew and P E W and Johnson hidden from view in canvas waiting as patiently as a church mouse for a spilled piece of bread. Having moved below morning meal was being served though it weren't to my liking I sat with both gentlemen and while they ate we all waited the pokerhand plays completion aboard the French Frigate. when they finished I addressed the entire ships belows main deck with a simple ehhheemmmmm! I had all of them. I had previously stood to face them during my address. I backed up to one (the closest) hull. Men, your captain for reasons of unsound judgement and un necessary losses was relieved of duties. Your ships master is your charge. The war ship looming down upon all of us is French. It is here at the beckoning of one member of my ships financiers. A most valuable resource is being sewn, watered (nurtured) and ripens for the picking whilst we continue this complete and total game of possum. Allowing the best of circumstance we should be allowed to make for the coast off to our west by days end. If need be and we find the worst scernarios involvement we will fight men together side by side men, knowing the magnificance of our faith will not be undermined by any peoples from anys where and certainly not while I'm still kicking. Men we are going to be ready to make to the main deck pon signal by the men stationed under canvas at the ready with your guns. We will be but men facing a potential sitting duck as the likes 'll be thought by them as well. We are with a great advantage and we are well rested and fed..... Now relax and clense your minds, allow peacful thought of home and family to give your need of precedence men. We will not go lightly. I leave the wall walking forward and address: Bosun Eynbrecht see to it that your armory is opened and your men have their stations ready to take to the main deck locked loaded and ready to give hell on a moments notice. Mr Lenaerts shall we go atop?
  5. On second thought Mr P E W and Mr Johnson prepare under certain duress the two twelve pounders (I leans in close in almost a whisper to their backs as they seem to be busied by rope repairs) do not be seen loading the big guns both of them. See to it thay are not facing the Frigate. And cover your actions with canvas. When done preload every other pair up the line facing her. Then go back to the 12's stand and be the smarts for if we need them they will be put to the task of blowiin waterline holes fifteen paces from each other in the facing hull. Gentle men if this comes to a boil of blood let it not be yours. You might get off one shot then you'll be a target. Move up the line skipping sets to return to your previously loaded guns. Is this understood? They both answered with smiles... yessir! Make haste men
  6. Thinking, The likes of a more beautiful and fully magestic ship I had never seen. The work in building it was manifest by the lack of uneven or rough edges as she turned and passed I was awe inspired and just had to pray. Hevenly father allow this french captain to realize that no fear is needed this day and give this parlay the credence of all expected and gained in your name. Amen I looked up and realized I was talking aloud and heard both Tito and Mr Pew say amen as well Mr Johnson was taking a refresher course in Danish with (damn what was his name?) (Then it came to me Merced I believe it were!)
  7. Having passed the word throughout the below decks on the Dutch merchantman Cutthroat and meself did find a right nice young man speaks English better than me mother he does and so we snatched 'im up to do our translating as the need to's arise. Simple orders: the marines are to remain below. The crew go about normal duties and tasks in no state of alarm and the less staring at our visitor the better. The orders most well understood were translated and I could see by the responses to all those told it was well understood the importance of this meeting here in this sea right now at this time..... Any hostile act will be handled by death. We moved back up onto the deck meeting Tito and Mr Pew Mr P E W was standin arm cocked over a deck swival and Tito was inspectin the ratlines. Gods work below is done I said.
  8. Shhhh! We are to keep the hostilities of the Dutch toward the French from collapsing all the hard work our Surgeon has done in alligning some reliable resources good mr PEW
  9. With weapons we cross the planking connecting the two ships Mr P E W and Mr Johnson I would like their Quartermaster to address your stations though it would suit waiting for post assignment within reach of a big gun each. Tito Sir you will address each and every need of their Quartermaster. Mr Johnson how is your Dutch sir? We'll need to wake this sleeping crew and be with care as to the need of non alarm is the captains own way fer this to be handled. I shall walk with thee showing peaceful resolve.
  10. I follow as Mr P E W Mr Johnson and Tito and meself heads down to the weapons locker to be fitted and Johnson turns around and asks how's the master-at-arms doing and I says he was looking very good the day afore and should be out and about but the seas and his wound bein his knee should keep him below a spell longer.
  11. Aye Aye Captian I should liken the fourth to be Tito sir! (turns to address said accompanyment) men make haste and to arms!
  12. I was makin me way pon main deck and I heard Rummy's voice "ship Astern" lookin up who's in the basket? Sleepin? I see red! In me state I could cut throat! So I calm a bit all the whiles pullin out me brings 'em near (I pon eves past were sensin the crosbones of Gods wrath. Though red the sky were, I sensed the wind comin and he were bringin it in from the opposite direction of the setting sun making this storm one coming from the east and now blocking the rise of suns first sight.) Cloudy grey and a high ceiling and a lite drizzle upon me face. I see that during the night our drift was such that land is barely visible behind us. Grey black seas and facing the wind I covered the end of me glass turned and brought into focus a frigate heading straight inta us. I puts it at four, mayhaps four and a half leagues. SAIL HO!
  13. When I came out of the basket afore midnight. the wind had already picked up I went to me quarters where I immediately fell fast asleep with no worries and seeing the carpenter and smithy carying their tools back on board I knowed the works done. I slept hard.. only to wake with the rocking of the ship afore dawns magestic due. The ships are still tied and in a storm! My mind raced... I must get up and assist...
  14. Perfect days evening turning to night and again in my favorite seat watching the world go by thinkin about Christine and Mr Pew. How is it that Christine is so seemingly in the wrong place at a wrong time? and I forget all about the ships mystery mugger and takes out me brings 'em near and takes a look around the entirty of our broadest of horizons to no avail. Though the red parched the sky over two bells past right now has gone and turned purple then again to that of black and such stars leave me agape. Dead calm, not even the smallest of a breath of wind assails the decks of our entwined ships. Aye.... Good lord..... I knows what ye gots planned.... yessir I does.... This be the calm before the storm....
  15. losssssttttttt iiiinnnnnnn sssspppaaaaaaacccccceeeeeeeee
  16. Damn ! you make the likes of me own sinnin soul jealous and I'm not suppose to be jealous. Tis a right fine looking ship. do tell: Where is it that i must then adventure to? I mean ifin I were to get close I wouldn't want to miss the chance and stop by and say hey ya know... she's a beaut!
  17. Doin what it be I does best! Cuppin me hands I yell down to Dorian "Quartermaster that smells like a fine blend from up here. Did you hear sir of Mr. P E W he's in the surgeons care sir!" lookin through me brings em near I am keeping to me surround search on the 'orizons around us as we drift tied together with the Danzig Tarder. The noise level down to a finishing type o work where the big and heavy been mostly compleated and details and finishing touches sand and paint be ready for the morrow. There is nothin like bein in the basket when the suns starts it's way gone. Red sky startin up I see...........
  18. Making my way onto the Quarterdeck I wave to Ciaran and seeing me, he makes his descent. I head me way to the baskets and missed seeing Christine about or Dorian and even ms Smith. as Ciaran and I pass on the ratlines I ask im where our crew is? He points over to the mercahntman and says they are all over there working on that ships repairs. I see! And Our gunners? I looked down to see two swivels manned only. Ok Ok I got this watch sorry I'm late. looking down to Ciaran now as we have moved on by each other I says good friend would ya see if you might be of some help (just in case) with our surgeon.
  19. Damn where the hell is everybody? PEW comes too as I stifle his need to stick me with his knife. and then out again God help us where is everybody? HELP I yell again! HELP! From behind me I hears tito yellin monsignor what is it and hear his rapid ascent to my position. Tito my good man, Help me this is Mr P E W and he has been what appears to be hit upon the back of his head and he is bleeding we need to get him to the sick bay pronto. Tito says he'll be right back and I hear him as he runs off. A moment later he is there with a cot from below we can easily lie Mr Pew upon it to keep his neck still. I take off my belts and strap one around his middle to hold him on the cot and my other to semi lock his head in place facing up. Together we lift and carefully negotiate the ups joists, framing and turns around over and to the sick bay (we couldn't have been luckier to be on the same deck) Tito knocks hard on the door and Armand opens it I push Tito in and Armand backs out of the way seeing the unconcious Mr P E W we bring him in and set him on the table next to Jack. Jack is studying the events and says what happened? I don't know I say I found him way over at the galley unconcious and bleeding on the back of his neck and the minutes that seemed like hours just kept going on and on and I sent Christine over here not long ago and did she get here? And who is that on that table over there? The surgeon is wrapping that man's leg and turns and faces me looking as if I should be else where and not there. I take the look as my reward and beg off. Armand I say I leave you with Mr P E W! As Tito and I leave the sick bay we close the door behind us. I turn face Tito and thank him taking his hand in mine and with my other too I grasp it well and ad You are a God send me friend. I must go thank ye agian I turn and make my way.
  20. For Gary, The P R P, New Providence, those that care and those that don't. Oh! and Petee! Only 10 days till we partay pyratical style by the sea!
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