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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Breakfast meal was in tact and was quite the liking to a sailors life, salted pork fried and hard tack. Coffee was thick and hot so I added a sconce a rum and flavored it right up. Finishing I tilted me hat to the unawares there and made me exit headin toward the quarterdeck. Aye Captain! Quite the day God has granted isn't it? An I see Christine Lass yer all packed and ready fer yer land legs to return? (looking back ahind us I add) I see too, the French disappeared into the night (leaning in) that was expected were it not Sir?
  2. the majesty of purples going into the hues of midnight, royal and then light blue and ?....... A flute softly giving reason for this days understanding of grace and beauty. God bless Rummy and her wonderous flutes voice. (I looks down and in a prayer) Thank ye lord this day, this ship and this crew. God be with 'em all and God thank you, thank you fer Rummy too! Amen
  3. Count down! Paging system is on! Check, Check! Mr. Killian paging Mr. Killian to the lyrics lounge!
  4. Count down! Paging system is on! Check, Check! Ms. Christine paging Ms. Christine to the lyrics lounge!
  5. do you think without Moss the Vikings will win more than five this year?
  6. I went on reading through the night and was made awares of times passage when the first coastal birds made mornings call. It had grown warm before this mornings dawn. Though lite hadn't arrived, a reason to celebraate was certainly made awares to by the number of waking crew and travel in the commons. I decided to get up get dressed eat and be on main deck for first suns surprise.
  7. Fletcher Christian mateys! started off a good mate but turned into a pirate from nessecity.
  8. I woke from my nap with a start thinking id missed my watch I hurredly made my way up and onto the main deck asking Siren if she would like anything as it would be soon I'd be on my way up? She answered no just hurry she needed the priv. I waved that I understood and realizing by the suns height I was a little early went back down into the galley for a coffee.
  9. Meg was being carried by Augustus by the time we got down around and over to the surgeon her poor legs just gave out we all pretty much ganged up on poor Tempest barging right in on her.
  10. Eric had mr lazarus's head and I had his feet as we climbed off the cutter and onto the Watch Dog. I nodded to the captain as we made our way on by and straight to the surgeons ward.
  11. I look up I hope to hell P E W didn't call this man something I'm going to get my teeth pulled for!
  12. I look up I hope to hell P E W didn't call this man something I'm going to get my teeth pulled for!
  13. Aye Lass he is going to be more than fine. He's strong and with strong pulse he's a bit broken up inside it appears but we have the oceans best surgeon on board. (I turned back to Augustus) A few more drops of water, he took those last ones well. Meg please give in to no worries and drink some as well. I looked up to the giant black man and mimmicked drinking water and reached out and handed him a bladder. He very slowly drank very small sips waiting long moments between the next, as if having been without water before was nothing new to him. (I thought maybe a desert tribe) he went back to sucking juice from the lemon. I brought out the salted beef and offered Meg then the giant one piece each. neither took any.....(i found that intelegent)
  14. I held Lazarus's head and Augustus dripped eight, maybe ten drops in the small tight lipped gap exposed. He (Lazarus) coughed it out and swallowed what spilled within. (I turned to our Quartermaster) Sir He does not look the best for this day. I reached found strong pulse still looking Dorian in the eyes. He's going to make it though. I addressed Augustus let us try a few more drops perhaps now he'll be the ready for them.
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