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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. the first class went better than the second one. First I worked on their stance even weight diplacement turning hips (swiveling under control right foot placement if you are right handed and left foot placement for the one lefthanded boy. Bending knees telling them over and over and over again everytime you think about living think about bending at the kness smaller profile and stronger action through leg strength. Then stepping in forward and back into becoming a certain dance step and return. It was a huge ballet class and the giggling women were sneaking peaks from around the back of the mission where we were gathered in the courtyard. Thirty-three of us from ages thirteen to sixty five. We met in the morning at ten then again in the afternoon around four where there was forty nine that showed up. Twas then I showed them how to move the blade from around behind and over into the opponents faces side "from the top" I said "de arriva" "de arriva" that became our chant. Aim for the ear! While always using the weight of the sword to let its own movement carry you through the step forward and the return to the ready, being ready to handle what ever blow your opponent was to throw at you. The object being quickly, always quickly when you slow down you die. It's the moves that are taught but the effectivness is learned from practice and practice will give the speed needed to keep youself alive. Reminding them that as any worthy opponent whilst watching a slow lumbering movement would simply just lunge forward and thrust his sword into the belly or chest on a one move kill. (we have a long way to go and I don't remember all my own lessons from so long long ago)
  2. Are you normal or kinda really truly out there? Ye never even came to the faire in Fresno and ifin ye did we all were on the lookout fer you and yer bunny ears! We all wanted to find out what a bowl was ye were offerin if we said hi to wong pegleg wench...... How many website interactive member chats are you trying to shuffle?
  3. Diego me brother, if'n ye have any inside info on BB's management problems, PM me wit' the info will ye? They invited us to participate at their faire, an' we are considerin' it.... I got nothing against the faire its location is great the time I had there was great (lonely) but great the temperature were great! the friends there met and known they are great. Just one wet dream turned nightmare human in charge and I'd rather be going to all the tall ships festivals. Which honestly Michael tell yer captain that in costume at tall ships you will have more satisfying gratification fer yer existance than any three faires with camps... Honestly i'll bet in San Pedro and Dana we were in over three hundred photographs with kids and families..... So much better and (shhhhhh!) cheap
  4. I am well entertained by this threads findings but alas you asked for it, you got it! Tonto Tortolini Actually I was going to say Pod Clock but Mission used it already.......
  5. Ok without letting this thread die....... the Doors! whoever reads this first can start us off again!
  6. The Three Rings Of Marriage: The engagement ring The wedding ring and The suffering
  7. I actually find this as a compliment thanks Mission but I know this one.... I read the book! "100 ways to tell him no tonight"
  8. Yargh it were too! I am a funny drunk. Though I'm usually the one laughiing I play a drunk better than I am one and hven't gone suicidal drynking for thirty eight years. I likes me beer and the doctor says no more I have a beer belly so I guess that'l turn into a water barrel. I like to act drunk whilst immitating Jack Sparrows imitation of Kieth Richards. I can go with it at gate with incomming patrons forever. drunk ? I don't remember the last time I were drunk but if I did I'd have to be killed in the morning!
  9. The healing fairies are sent and they are headed right at ya!
  10. Alright who do I have to arm wrestle to get Jes involved! I want her online tonight and her profile filled in and a pirate name for her as well! And I got ye in and as innaugurally involved as well Christine! Nows yer chance lass!
  11. Kind Sir (by the way nice pick Red did) I was hoping to add you in and your wife Experience. Know too when we are at escondido as is Stranglehold and you are a member of two guilds and can spend time where you like! We aren't going to be competing with any guilds or tribes in any way. (can't afford too) we don't know any witch doctors to protect us..... Psssst does anybody know any witch doctors?
  12. I can't tell everyone here in the pub how exciting Phoenix was. First of all Hi fairytink! nice to meet you! Black Hearted Pearl we (both Rummy and meself) love you, Ruby and Sandy need nothing, yer both absolutely perfect! To Moonstruck, Pendragon Jewelry, Siler and Clarke, Julie the fairy making lady, all the production people who made us feel at home thank you thank you thank you..... We had a great time in your state and city it was time well spent and will be again.... On a bit of a stranger note: I were offered the monsignorship for the Flagstaff faire in June! Jess goes ta shows ye! Not every tooth pick insult cuts like a knife! We left the faire Sunday at 3:00 pm stopped and gambled an hour and a half in palm springs and were home at 8:30 pm I think! we spent a hundred dollars on gas and fifty on food. GREAT three days!
  13. Hi, I know a lots of ye.I know many are never going to be ready to make a transition into a full time faire goin fool much like ya knows I am. I'm starting a pyratical group of misfits, insulting, pilaging practical joking humiliating, fun loving friends who like meself might be shipless fools who just might rather staff a guildyard at a certain number of faires and places where we can play! Instead of paying to get in to have no place called home there in the faires we all go to. Som of the faires where we should be able to set up a tent or two are: (and these are in a dateline of occurance during the faire year of first to last.....I think....) Palm Springs Bakersfield Escondido renfaire (spring) Ojai renfaire (Spring) all tall ships festivals (except dana harbor where Port Royal Privateers own the franchise) (but we can still go and hang out around the ships and answer all the questions and get in family pictures all of patrons ask of ye!) Corona Pirate faire San Diego renfaire Ojai Pirate faire and the new renfaire in Orange County which should begin by 2007 or before Escondido Pirate faire In addition outings we'll plan on doing will be by bringing books, toys and presents (For the Christmas season) and easter eggs and candy (for Easter) to childrens hospitals kids stuck there in the hospital. Also walking together spreading dread and comradery whilst insulting and harrassing the passbys in parades! Now ifin any or most of this sounds good to you I vow no hierarchy, no politics for ones own need to prove his or her (dominance over others) a simple crew, all crew! Like the muskateers we adopt the saying! " all for one and one for all ". No captains! All crew! I knows a lot of you that are current members of other inactment tribes, clans guilds or troupes we'll be at faires you currently might not go to and besides I knows ye can't just announce an interest and change right out here in the open where ye can be beheaded by yer overseers. So do not dispair! Come to dinner with a lot of us on Friday night the 9th of december in Fullerton we'll talk then.... Or! P M me here! I will work dilagently to get Pyracy.com (after we get a head count) to maybe sponser us, and also get us a non profit status so that all gas to and from faires whist be an income diffuring write off. We will have this ready by Bakerfield fer certs. I know each and every faire director and I have no doubt about getting to be a part of thier faire as a guild...... I am not wishing any leadership (remember all for one one for all) role only getting it all going!
  14. I can't say I've ever seen a better likeness a two finer folk indeed JoshuaRed you are a talented master of yer arts. Well done indeed!
  15. ya know something that is way cool i just got a private from an un named management producer at this faire and they thanked us for opening this thread up and likes my idea of the centered ale stand and the bawdry stage in the guild yard area and the main stage up against the ale and all the rest any way thanks for all the support they said to each and every one of you so THANKS, and a hug from catholic charities! How cool is that huh?
  16. big bears management can pound sand! tall ships during their lonely little faire. calaveras is going while one much more close to home is going and the same for sonora! Angels camp????? Do they know how to party there?
  17. does that mean you do more than pinch and pat asses of the passing boys?
  18. Ladies, ladies, ladies jes do the dancin on the tables yerselves and let these here nice and polite drynk buying softies when its time to offer up yer next tattoo!
  19. The towns blacksmith was a very young man I talked long with him. his father and his fathers father was a blacksmith and both were killed here in thistown and both by pirates. It seemed every time I turned around another family had been touched by pirates in a negative way. I metioned to juan hidalgo ramirez his right as a man was his freedom and the oppressors will sonn know why this town is off limits to pirates. I ordered one hundred tewenty blades 30 cutlasses, 30 corsairs, 20 long knifes, 20 trowing axes and 20 battle axes. I also ordered 1000 arrow tips. I had no idea how it would all be paid for but it was all to be hidden never to be seen by anybody a secret cache of weapons stored for use in the mission to protect the city! He was very excited and said he would come to me with many drawings of different styles and types to pick from. before midday on the morrow he said. I smiled and bowed thanking him....
  20. I just want to throw in an observation. In all of Europe there is a very proud history of what lets just say 2,500 years. Here in the united states there are Europes cast off's, the dead beats, the religious persecuted minorities who flocked here for a new life. As a result establishing the beginnings of some sort of historical significance in less than what 200 years. (to quote Bill Murray in Stripes "hey we're 10 and 0"). But Americans weren't serious about history before they left Europe or they wouldn't have left Europe at all. We are all of the refuse and the criminal descendants of generations of losers all gathered and learning to write history as winners. We are lucky if we care at all about anything......and besides............................ we are Pyrates!
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