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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. and a step to the riiiiggghhhhhhht
  2. Aye I'll just bust it out fer the mates and fer you to consider that the easy part of life is realizin not to make it harder than it is! S M I L E S tis the longest word in the English language fer thar be a mile a tween the "s's"
  3. ok ok ok nuf sung bout the werewolves! (shhhhh) goodly song though Next word lucifer
  4. Oh yeh and the money exchangers weren't workin in the faire either but they were doin it by hand at the ticket booth.
  5. Ms Constance a cheerin up fer ye then: How's abouts this 'ere mental checker: So I'm thinkin of a word and it starts with "s" its the longest word in the english language and it too ends in "s" what it be?
  6. alll this banter bout Rocky Horror Picture Show I had to puts in me cd!
  7. theres a liggghhhhhhhhhht (chorus) over at the frankenstein place theres a liiiigghhhhhhhiiiggghhhhhhht (chorus) burnin in the fireplace
  8. ok ok heres an easy one! "I noticed you read the bible sir?" "yes, yes I do, every godam day"
  9. Ahhhhhoooooooooooooo! Werewolves of London Ahhhhhoooooooooooooo
  10. Sir William! Me lord of overpowering persuasive techniques! I am at your beckonded call Cajun it'll be then Mayhaps a pint o Guinness fer the tastebuds to sets up propers now?
  11. Sounds like the editors cut from simon and garfunkles Mrs Robinson! Huzzah!
  12. "He'll rip your lungs out Jim"
  13. Rocky Horror Picture Show ending sequence in the pool! adding the "in the laboratory scene! Red Handed Jill! I resemble this! cept fer the die part! "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." - Robert Heinlein I have a few problems though! I can even idenify insects fer I hold a Branch II Liscense in pest control as well. And it doesn't mention dance, sing, fish, cook, tell a joke or know how to kiss! what say ye then? Best add a few more in there.
  14. Mad Jack the only thing that'l cut into your drynking would be runnin out! Take a couple excedrin P M's and go back to sleep and sweat it outa ye when ya wakes drink some spicey hot chicken broth and mayhaps somes noodles puts in a movie and sleep through mnost a it as well. by dinner best find a nice pot a stew to be sure and drink not of the alcohol one day and tomorrow ye will be a snot nosed brat jes as ye were afore! I cracks meself ups I does. Never mind, jes kiddin ye (ceptin fer the beginnings o this post)
  15. that wasn't a movie that was Wheel of Fortune! oh! fana I thought you wrote vanna! Sorry my bad!
  16. I don't know the song but a truth be told I'd lived it enough times to be totally grey! Huzzah!
  17. "Smoke on the Water" Deep Purple
  18. Frank Sinatra "April in Paris"
  19. I forgot to mention the dust bowl parking lot!
  20. Fancy "Dream on!" try this on? We walked the streets of the crescent city We held hands in china town We watched the sun go down on the ocean blue That’s when I knew that I would always love you
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