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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. 'Hangs head down in shame...'... Capt Satan, Sorry but if I see more authentic looking ones I will let you know....shoes other than boots are hard to come by.
  2. Lady Sophia...I have no idea where that one came from...I don't want to cheat and put it in the search query on the net. Perhaps another poster will know that one.
  3. Capt Trade.wind.....hmmm perhaps buying lots of lotto tix
  4. Great...fantastic..I did not see the whole show...gonna try to catch the wrap ups tonight. Bill Nighy did a superb job Bess....I love his character soo much! I can't wait to see him again in AWE.
  5. I wonder if it will come up to the LA harbour? San Diego is 4 hours from here...but it might be a nice place to go to...do you have a website or more information?
  6. Don't shoot me...but are these too lame? shoe website shoe website
  7. Gunner, can you post those pics or email those pics.... Capt Midnight...yes I looked and closest to what I want is this but I want a 6 inch one....
  8. I wonder....is it legal to put one on one's front porch...... Good way of getting to keep yer precious parking space...lol
  9. (...and femme's hormones flaring up don't help...lol )
  10. Oh wow Pearl, that is what I feared. Last time I was down there it was going down down down as well. That is too bad it is a cute little place with all it's shops. They really really should re-vitalize that, since it is so close to Princess cruise lines and would be a great extra tourist trap. Wow, that is a shame indeed! You are absolutely right that it could be a great spot for L.A. to revamp! Wonder if Donald Trump would be interested in buying it and making it a Pirate port? I wonder if I could even send him that idea.... I mean after all he is revamping that golf course on the other side of Pedro.
  11. Sophia got it....lol! Okay I heard a good one this weekend while watching flicks. "Don't you just hate weekend Satanist's" hint: movie starts with an 'S'
  12. Okay...I am taking a big stretch on this topic of scents and smells...to one of the garden and natural pesticides. I heard that peppermint oil keeps the rodent family away. Recently the cute and cuddly little squirrels that I adored so much have become horrible little mauraders. They dug up every single spring bulb I planted and ate them or destroyed them. They ate my cyclamen flowers and my last african daisy flower. Arrrrrh. I watched a bit of that informercial with the gent that has that book with 1001 natural pesticides and he mentioned the above. This weekend I bought 100% peppermint oil and doused a couple of peanuts in it for bait plus sprinkled some around my potted plants that they keep getting into. Has anyone ever tried it? Will let you know how my own experiment goes if you want to know. So sorry for straying from topic...but these little buggers must be vanquished! lol
  13. "Armegedon"...we doom ourselves....one reason....we don't do the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. If we all approached that simple concept...world would be a better place.
  14. Ah ha ha ha ha excellent...beat the old ruler over the knuckles eh?
  15. Jill, they should make a car airfreshener with fresh coffee ground smell eh?
  16. Kass, wow...you know I am gonna try that out this eve. Since my bodice's are homemade anywho...the eyelets are not perfect perfect...so I am going to try lacing up spiral and do some chores and see what the outcome is..
  17. Rumba, thanks for the update, I thought I heard one on each, but I was listening to this bit o news from another room. I wish there was a stationed Pirate Ship off of Long Beach Terminal that was a restaurant and bar at the same time. Perhaps in San Pedro at Port's O Call. I haven't been there in a long time. If any one in San Pedro reads this post...please update me as to what has happened to Port's O Call village.
  18. What where their swords called?
  19. Wow Mad Jack what happened? Sorry to see you go...sometimes there are bad apples in the batch and you have to start over eh! Buck up..have a rum with us gals, we will give you a wink and a smile and in the morn the sun will shine and it will be all over. So have a rummer on me and come on back on board man! Hussah!
  20. WOW those doors came out spectacular! Great Job!
  21. Here's an easy one for ya.... "Why can't I have a normal boyfriend? Just a regular boyfriend, one that doesn't go nuts on me!"
  22. l love the Big Lebowski! Great flick! "It's just 'Dude' man". My favorite quote from a flick is from Blade Runner...when Leon just caught up with Decker after 'retiring' his girlfriend Zhora... "Ever have a itch you can't scratch"
  23. But why is the rum gone? tee hee
  24. Yesterday I heard on the radio news that Disney will have two new cruise ships in their line up soon (2011 and 2012). Too bad one or another in the future could be devoted to a Pirate Ship cruise...wow! Have one for the east coast and one for the west coast.
  25. Oh yeah I remember that flick....saw in the theatre when it came out....I forgot about that one! Joyous overtones of Monty Pythonism
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