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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. har har i say go for it
  2. Nah my ex-boyo raved about it and we had very diffrent tastes
  3. i cant stand the leading man so i disnt watch it
  4. Well time heals all wounds i mean my life is a perfect example of when you dont take time for yourself
  5. *shrug i'll never find it
  6. now thats one port i have always wanted to visit
  7. oookay guess no ones going
  8. lol well when you look at everything else i have collected over the years... you'd wonder
  9. well unich or no i will be adding this to me loot of useless stuff
  10. I'm glad your happy with it once again enjoy it
  11. try to explain to me mum that 3 dresses are not enough and shes not buyin it *sniff* i want a new dress!
  12. My ma just caught me lookin at another dress lol she started causing a fuss i mean 3 dresses are not enough especially when this one's a steal!
  13. Tis not a bad thing to be picky and you are right by the way ye can also add that his real tatoo is on the outside of his forearm and the movie is on the in
  14. I know how that is may ye get that coat and then some
  15. It be damned accesories that i be after now but even that never ends and then last night i was going to scrap me old dress and get a new one but me ma stoped me and said that i cant be throwin out a good dress till may when i bought the last one. In many ways she be wise for a land lover.
  16. I host ye in the highest respect sir you are truly what it means to become one with history so to speack. I for one can not do that, and when i read your posts i get a wee bit jealous of ye. Still it makes me proud to be on the same board as ye.
  17. jacket would be better especially for going out at night trick or treaten cause that costumes can get bloody cold!
  18. The kind that cant recognize priceless booty when he sees it love *pats her shoulder* at least ye arnt in love with a married man.... unlike someone i know
  19. that would make life so much eaisier
  20. aye it be true love
  21. I would like to know if anyones going to this event i think its on the calander i have to check!
  22. probibly cause the exact thing is owned by disney there fore they copyright the shit out of it
  23. you play kingdom hearts too! *glomp*
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