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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. gettin ready for my nightly whiskey
  2. craving mc donalds eating nothing
  3. the return of david gale!
  4. excited and overwhelmed, loved and abandoned
  5. I'll be seeing you guys.... I'm camping with cornish again so you know i'll be around making my usual trouble.... for the 5th year in a row no lol go i love this faire
  6. My husband knows them cant says i ever met them personally i think they came to the gate while i was greetin at esco seem alright.... I love sand in the rum and flower of bermuda
  7. I'll be there on sunday this weekend you can probibly find me in merchants around leather rush i wouldnt wonder
  8. I'll be there sunday the 28th... My husband is a worker for leather rush... the young cute one... lol anyway nice pic they make me miss faire so much
  9. Missing my husband and awaiting our reunion on sunday morning
  10. Okay weight loss just the thing i feel like talking about tonight *tries to hide the sarcasm* anyway I had gastric bypass about ten months ago and in the process lot 135 pounds. I'm now at 162 on a larger bone structure at 5'3" I like to think of myself as curvy... anyway I'm going back on a diet as of tomorrow any ideas anyone?
  11. a nice chai latte actually made with breve (half and half)
  12. I be a makeup artist and a cashier at jc penneys
  13. Without further a due…. Bloody Mary Bonney’s official theme soundtrack! Please enjoy… I stand alone- by Godsmack Knocking on heavens door- The cowboy bebop movie Rain- The cowboy bebop movie If I had a million duckettes- by the brobdingnagian bards Finnegan’s wake- by the Brobdingnagian bards The old dun cow- by the Brobdingnagian bards The Irish ballad- by the Brobdingnagian bards The Grey Funnel Line- by the poxy baggards The limerick rake- by I don’t remember Yo, ho, a pirates life for me- by Disney Death valley Queen- by Flogging molly Rebels of the sacred heart- by Flogging molly The devils dance floor- by Flogging molly Happy jacks undrinkable ale- by the poxy bogarrds No good deed- from wicked I’m going to hell for this one- by nofx Herojiwana- by nofx Where is your god?- By nofx Green sleeves- by The brobdingnagian bards The point of no return- from phantom of the opera The Gilligan’s island theme- by bowling for soup The show must go on- by Queen Blue- from the cowboy bebop movie The anthem of our dying day- by story of the year
  14. let me raid me itunes and get back to ya...
  15. well now i'll get you any info you need and then if i could get an estimate we can work from there
  16. How long is this running i might be there in october
  17. congrats i am happy for you.... huzzah to the happy couple signed a lass dreaming of marriage
  18. Okay i was looking through kass's patters and their lovely... however my family didnt do right by its women.... none of us knew anything about sewing and the only seemstress (?) i know officially declaired that because her son my boyfriends cousin thinks i'm scary that she wants nothing to do with me... this dosnt bother me... save for now i'm clueless... So on to what i'm looking for and the challenge.... I'm looking to aquire me first frock coat... Now i like the male version over the female of kass's patterns. I am more in need of a short frock coat with a nice embelished kind of pleating in the back and unlike a mans coat i'd like it to "hug" more. As for material heres were i get a little more difficult... I want it to be black twill like strong harh material (black!) and on in the inside lining and turnups a nice synthedic brocade in bright blue that is decorated with a flur de lee pattern. as for the buttons i would like them to be a silver or pewter color... another challenge would be that i'm bigger than well lets just say if you accept this challenge its going to be like sewing a frock for a whale.... I would naturally go find something similar on the internet but i find that the more i just go to a store instead of having it made for me it dosnt turn out. So basically i'm just looking to see who would be interested in taking on this challenge.... i would of course pay for materials and time. Theres no reall rush on it i'm just looking for takers now.
  19. save ginny wealsey by harry and the potters
  20. very sick to the tummy....
  21. i've never heard my man complain
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