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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. Thats the only one that i could see working Er, Bloody Mary Bonney..... Ahhhhhhrrrrrrrr ye free on Saturday? well that backfired
  2. sorry its just *sigh* i've heard it and tried it and yeah blah
  3. right... hmmm no that doesnt work for me...
  4. Ah i see i'll be taking some parot bay then
  5. Welcome lass... The pub here is full of great people who are well versed in pyracy I be Bloody Mary Bonney from where do you hail?
  6. Oh i never will deigo just like he'll never give up on me... i know it but still it's a fear that i could lose him that shakes everything.... without him i'm nothing... oi
  7. hey just thought i'd ask sorry And with the clarified info then yes my toes have been curled
  8. The remains of the day- Danny Elfman
  9. I promote faire and my guild but i dont like talking about myself
  10. Thats the only one that i could see working
  11. Mary's Top Ten I just got some new garb so this will be fun... 1.) Clothing now this is going to be broken into sub- catagories a.First is always for me the Chemise its got to be simple usually white cotton or natural muslin... I dont really care for the colored chemises, it's never looked right to me. b.Next is in the dressing is a corcet it get a nice shape. c.After that i put on me bodice, simple black ties up the front bodice that adds a little more suport. d.After that come the skirts now I do believe i have three now... yeah i should the only reason i do three is cause i want to do a pinning design with multilayers that and i tend to freeze my arse off. 2.) Next for me would be the shoes, I have a cute pair of boots that i got a cute little pair for 60... may not be acurate but there cute damn it! Oh and i'm including stockings and garder belts in this as well. A nice sturdy pair of striped stocking though not period can be really fun. I always like to wear a garder belt with stockings cause i think it feels more sexy. 3.)Third on my list is always a belt to keep your stuff on. I have a simple belt that i tie with a celtic knott that hold quite a bit. 4.) Next for me is what i call the "Bits and Pieces" its what you put on your belt and what tends to make you, you... Once again sub catagories... a.First there is my "Fox Box" its my "purse" that has a fox face on the front... My story is that i come from kind of a hunter traper family until i decided to head out to sea trying to make some money for myself, in that respect i use a lot of fur. This holds the not important stuff... money, cigs, lighter, phone, id's...ect. b.Next is the excellent flog my boyfriend gave me for christmas... cause faire brings out the worst in him c.After that is usually a Tail... Like i said i like using fur... I know I know I'm a killer.... dah dah dah my sister has already vowed never to hug me while in garb. 5.)Next is a bandana! cause it comes in so handy for cheap head gear 6.)Heres my weapons... a.My bodice dagger "quickening" b.My tiny pistol replica 7.)Feast Gear and a bag to carry it all in a.One wooden bowel b.One Wooden or metal fork or spoon c.One Dirty canvas bag that you can sling over the sholder (if your freelancing that is if not keep that stuff at camp) 8.)Your Tankard! This is your message about you... lol I'm actually saving up for a new one that says swamp water on it... but right now mine a metal looking cup that says thank you. 9.)Nine is probibly a fan cause pirates are just so darn hot! 10.)My boyfriend, to guard me from all the weird guys. Thats just about everything...
  12. Me pyrate name: Countess Crazypaws hell yeah
  13. I have a fear of sharp objects cause an ex friend like to run the tip of his dagger on the back of my leg
  14. in a good way or bad way
  15. Ah its almost time bahaha i need the vacation
  16. Most of my dreams lately have been turning to nightmares.... most involve my fear of losing the love of my life...
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