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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. B-You are always fun when it comes to meeting new people. L-You have a nice ass ;-) O-You love foreplay O-You love foreplay D-You have trouble trusting people. Y-One of the hardest gangsters alive M-success comes easily to you. A- Damn good in bed. R-You are very hot and sexy! Y-One of the hardest gangsters alive B-You are always fun when it comes to meeting new people O-You love foreplay. N-Have a big warm heart. N-Have a big warm heart. E-You're loyal to those you love. Y-One of the hardest gangsters alive
  2. good to hear! *dances*
  3. nice pointy things... There very basic looking, I'm more of a fan of fantasy blades myself so they wouldnt fit in my collection.
  4. Oh how my future children will hate me lol
  5. but of course i have a myspace the link!
  6. It seems like everyone is in a rut these days
  7. dane cook retaliation
  8. "Heaven or hell i know not of" he said as he walked to the gallows. "For none can claim my spirit save the one whom i give it freely."
  9. I for one find it facinating and quite respectable.... hell when i was a kid i wanted to be either mummified or be put in a boat full of gas soaked wood and have a flaming arrow hit it as i drifted out to sea.
  10. very cloudy and cold for california but the birds are still singing... gives me hope
  11. Lets see... Though i love me mate till death... I still miss my ex though if you ask me i'd tell you i hate him.... I dont think you ever get over the first "love of your life"
  12. we have a truly impressive pub
  13. oh yeah that'll work... actually there on to being ninjas now... which means i hear a lot of "you cant see me!" coming from bushes before a loud "hiya!..." i can live with hiya
  14. I'm sure something will come through rumba
  15. Had my fill of horses honestly... my grandfather raised a few... i was thrown off a few... i really dont care much for them.... at least not show ones
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