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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. When i get bored at esco I usually sing for my guild or sing as i walk about so i'm looking for song idea's so far i have grey funnel line mingalay bay happy jacks undrinkable ale the great selkie whiskey your the devil whiskey in the jar south Austrailia and finally my favorite the parting glass... which i am going to sing at close... cause... i can
  2. http://www.verymerryseamstress.com/pirates.htm I'm thinking of getting my new duds made by this woman here saddly i'm not much of a pirate in my guild. I'm a mythical creature based on the greek god pan and the nymph echo..... but anyway she makes them to your size and she has quite an extencive site.
  3. How Mary responded to first post.... *= thoughts (mary in pjs at computer wondering on the best way to kill her mother) *doo dee doo dee doo click click kill click* Mary catches sight of really weird color coat Mary sprays out diet docter pepper trying to hold in laughing which scares a dog lying on the couch next to computer.... *just when i thought pirates dont get more metro* End scene but seriously..... you guys worry me
  4. I got sick, and have been for a long time then a week and a half ago i busted my knee out and basically i'm tired
  5. Diego what you be doing? lol good to see that your getten things together for a group of your own.
  6. proof that humans have too much time on their hands
  7. Lets see... This was on "magic chai" 1. Took a game of klench a wench way too far..... 2. ended up in the neighboring guilds encampment.... 3. ended up in someone elses tent 4. Insolted irish road tax collectors 5. slaped people i'm sure 6. danced on table tops..... 7. kissed one of the girls in my guild 8. agreed to comeback next season 9. put my garb on backwards... it dosnt seem possible but i did it....(in a hurry to get out of a tricky position in a friends tent.... 10. got arrested for inappropriet use of children. i think thats it...
  8. unsolved mysteries in the background
  9. stressed sore broke tried cranky sick you can take your pick out of those
  10. *swaggers in sniffiling with a bandage round her knee* I have momentarily returned lol
  11. oi! is it Valentines day already? worst day of the year iffin you ask me.
  12. i am working on an article for my school paper on living history. so what made you take up a pirate flag?
  13. The Bloody Mab after queen mab
  14. hope ye all had a great thanksgiving
  16. music: I'd burn as many songs as i could onto five cd's that way i get some veriaty. Book: Probibly a clockwork orange or one flew over the coocoo's nest Pleasure: Me first mate Ayen Claymore (boyfriend)
  17. It was wonderful to see all of you that i got to and i'm sorry i wasnt around more i had a lot of stuff at the guild sunday they made me active captin of the guard and gosh its so stressful.
  18. My december Linkin Park
  19. Trying to sike myself up for work and Rummy what are you doing going to montana?
  20. it's the middle of the week and that means one step closer to FRIDAY! oh joy of joys! I can not wait until i can see all me faire family.
  21. god i hate being underage!
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