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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. the mumble of lifetime tv
  2. i looked at the site didnt see any
  3. welcome to the pub love
  4. happy birthday
  5. would a woodchuck chuck
  6. a fru fru drink with an unbrella would be nice
  7. sore and tired
  8. wont that be fun
  9. what is it with men butts?
  10. *relaxes out on the beach*
  11. They are in display cases and wicker bowls in shops at every faire lass! But jes in case the likes a you all aren't the awares.... NOW KIDDIES THIS AREA IS OFF LIMITS SO DON'T READ IT! You have to ask the pin vendors for their X rated box (they don't keep it out can't actually but) 55% of em have one and those secret stashes have some really nice prizes in 'em....... hmmm never noticed
  12. seeing all this food makes me crave my beloved buger unfortunatly no burger for two weeks :angry:
  13. claps very well thank ye
  14. I wish i was going unfortunatly i'm not but i want to wish you all fun times. Last year i went and couldnt breath for a week after cause of all the dust
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