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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. getting ready for bed
  2. they are just very two faced and irk me to all extreem.
  3. trying to get away from my instant messaging cousin who is trying to talk down to me
  4. geting ready to go to jack in the box
  5. no mans land
  6. looking for my phantom of the opera cd
  7. well i dont know if he's qualified..... but hell just the scene that could come from it would be a joy to read in dark times such as these
  8. that looked like it hurt diego
  9. "find a man?" sugest bloody mary as she walks in.
  10. some how i knew it would
  11. good luck not drinkin on a personal note i do not like any of my so called coffee house friends anymore
  12. I'm a singer in my guild so basically i sing songs of the sea and go around buyng people for my guild thriving slave trade.
  13. people complaining
  14. so phil is the new cabana boy?
  15. i dont want to go to work
  16. i figure if i plunder it i got a right to do what ever i want and if i feel like prancing around in a high class getup i'm entitled
  17. captian jack sparrow
  18. applaudes mildly
  19. see in my opinion halloween is the time a year i get to dress how i want to and nobody can say anything about it!
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