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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. I love the wilds and the dress needed some alterations pics coming soon
  2. "You fools!" Mary screamed. "They are comming for you and you cant stop them." She motioned the sword to point at the beach. "Show them no mercy my minions for you shall be shown none!"
  3. working on it lil sis had the camera and is being an idiot cause i'm mad that i got a speeding ticket. Her friend is being a pain in the arse telling me i need to learn how to drive and take resposibility for my actions all i have to say is it was you that caused me to take another way home. i'm just pissed and that doesnt make good pics.
  4. we are the pirates who dont do anything we just stay home and ly around and if you ask us to do anything we'll just tell you we dont do anything!
  5. Well i just got me new garb in this morning... Its a black irish style dress with a bodice swen into a full skirt that openes in front and a floor length natural muslin chemise. Too which i am adding a bright blue under skirt from a ventre that flopped a while back ago. So what kind of garb has anybody invested in lately i know i cant be the only one what dosent have any dabloons left to spent before the next faire.
  6. i call clothes garb and things like my tankard my kit or stuff my favorite is stuff
  7. okay heres why mary hasnt been around..... first the taken man who love making advances and breaking my heart is up to it agan. then he starts giving me tips on how to get guys....cause i need tips ya know.... then me best mate nicki wants to help me get with my friend travis.... and on top of that my friend chris is acting loopy.
  8. Mary lifted the sword in the air and slamed it into the rock. The grownd began to shake and tremble and in the distance there was a pyrate ship long since sank bubbling from under the water as it rose into view.
  9. Mary reaches a large rock well more or less gets slamed into it and scurys on top of it soaking wet. "You fools.... I proclaim this water.... dead..." and she draws a circle int he water.
  10. Mary never lets go of the cutless gripping tighter. Her eyes now blinded she stumbles out farther into the surf and is taken up in waves. She feels her body being thrown around like a rag doll.
  11. Mary turns quickly to see her and her eyes flash again and she braces herself for rogues attack
  12. i think it were a joke set on by some one i knew way back and i think he told me that to make me stop wearing bells.... they really anoyed him.
  13. "Deigo.... i have no time for this...." The new Mary turns and walks tword the beach the cutless clutched tightly. When she reaches the water she stands staring out to the open sea.
  14. see where i am at faire we regard bell wearers as prostitutes....
  15. oh i rule! i love this story but then again after reading that i had too much tiome to think as well..... (what comes after the alternate) Her eyes flashed at the word bloody. Then in a moment they became her own and she gazed upon the cutlass. "Tito....." she gasped and riped a bit of skirt to bandage his hand. "That thing... theres someting wrong with that thing...." She had once again droped the weapon to the sand. "Do you supose... It had to have been.... He's still here as long as that thing is here...." "Then lets be rid of it!" Deigo shouted reaching for it but before his hand could grasp it Mary dove. "Touch it and you'll be misses more than a finger" Her eyes the color of coins that had been layed to rest in davy jones locker. "Its mine... it came to me.... you have no rights to it!" (my precious lol). "Mary...." Rogue started but then stoped for Mar stood once again cutless in hand holding it out. "Mary.... Put it down .... dont do anything stupid..." Tito grimesed "Okay... anything else stupid" "You heard her little one" Diego said taking a step closer. "This isnt like you....." "The hell it isnt" Mary shouted in a deeper voice. "You think i'm bloody mary for no reason!" she laughed but it sounded as though it were crying. There was definatly something wrong.
  16. I'm doing a cultural artifact on Fox tails and there popularity in faire but i need to know if the have some actual historical significants and maybe a site with that kind of information.
  17. um... i'll try Mary watched as the mariner fell to the age of time and the wind took him to rest. He would be with his love now and she smiled as the wind flew n circles around her. "He will be free now, to rest in the arms of another spirit." In the distance she could see a ghostly ship sail tord a harbor and then it was gone. As if to pick up the spirit that had been left behind.
  18. yeah good story! i liked mary particularly.....
  19. Mary Bonney sees the zombie and tilts her head a bit. She then walks over to the keg and gets to tankards full one for her and one for the zombie.
  20. Why thank ye sister it be only the opener to me sermin
  21. thank you for the clarification of that i kept reading my book and it made me confused
  22. And to think all these years I just thought socks were for warming the feet seriously who would have thought
  23. that just sounds so wrong you know
  24. i think she ment valentines day deigo
  25. *mary enters in with her valentines day out fit on and stands at the pulpet* *dramatically* Brothers and sister.... How many years have you spent all your money on some present to give to your significant other only to have the son of a *ehem* break up with you the next week?! How many years did you spend this day of days by yourself watching everyone making out in the back of some movie theater or in your favorite resturant? How many years did you spend this day alone eating a box of candy you bought for yourself and waited to choke on those little chalk tasting hearts that say "i like you" while watching the world of ideal love on your tv? I know i'm not the only one guilty of these memories. I'm telling you that it dosnt have to be like this. We shouldnt have to be subjected to Hallmark Hell every February! We shouldnt have to shut our selves up every 14th because we are on the sigle road of our life's journey. Why should we have a day devoted to causeing some of the worst depression imaginable. I know i've been there. Last year my exhusband walked out on me right before valentines day. My world fell apart that feburary and began a vicious cycle of selfabuse. I sliped from man to man looking for anything to take the pain away, i got into drugs, drinking, and other practices that are not nice to oneself. All because of a feeling that wasnt there.... didnt really exsist... LOVE! Love is a big joke in my opinionm, we have come to the idea that all relationship problems can be solved by muttering i love you. To love some one you must first love yourself... and most of us cant stand to be in the same room with someone that reminds us of ourselves. So practice safe love get a mirror. Also for those of you who find this the holiday to get laid please for god sake use protection! We dont need more of you pathedic idiots running around!
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