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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. Mary swaggers in burnt to a crisp and obviously intocicated (sp?) leading a barrel of rum on a string. "here kitty kitty kitty"
  2. it was the good bit phil lol and thank you diego i all the girls with me after the valkery left were part of my guild (cornish gamesmen)
  3. i am so burned poor little me.... on the upside i got a bit of a new beau so it all works out
  4. I think i may have had a bit to much fun over the weekend
  5. The wall pink floyd
  6. Mary prances about with her new finger cymbols.
  7. Mary comes running in, almost prancing. Her dancing scarf tied round her hips. "Ahoy there i have returned and none the worse for wear!" (I cant stay late though cause i have a love affair to be found out today by our mutual friend! exciting)
  8. hitch hikers guid to the galaxy god bless books on tape
  9. Mixed really Relieved actually to find that its that time of the month Mary does not want to be preggers! Then pissed that its that time of the month.... Then happy cause i just got back from vinni's house. Then tired fromall the kisses Then scared because i blurted out that i love him.... and wanted to run for the hills so fast my head spun. The wierd thing is that i really do think in my heart i'm completly smitten, and am really falling for him but my logical brain wont let me!
  10. i'm afriad i do not know
  11. *begins packing up her things* looks like i'm moving out of the singles section.....
  12. Crystal ship by my the doors sung by my friend travis
  13. He's a tramp- Lady and the tramp
  14. Had sometime to calm down and get some chinnese food i think it will all turn out fine. I'm just happy to be warm and dry right now.
  15. some nice stuff to bad i'm broke
  16. I called him! He woke up cause of the phone and when i asked what he was doing later he had to visit a guy friend, then he's all thanks for finally calling... i couldnt stop laughing.
  17. Angry and frustrated my mother called me a bitch this morning then proceded to tell me my all of my friends are not calling. So how am i feeling... like i want to explode.
  18. toasted coconut pina colatas
  19. Bloody Valentine- good charolette
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