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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. yeah well they all hate my guts now so i guess mission acomplished.... dosnt matter my boyfriends quiting that place soon anyway then i'll have no reason to go there and i wont have to deal with it anymore.
  2. no i dont believe ye ever did though i'd love to see them
  3. good and trusty fox box. Its a black box like purse that has a fox head on the front
  4. *blink blink* lol its too bad i work all weekend
  5. so whose going this year. last year i saw diego and rummy rumba rue saw christine for a moment. i want to meet more of you interesting characters dang it so whose going to be in escondido this year round.
  6. tis so true lol... i worked security at long beach (where i met diego) he taught me well how to harass a crowd.
  7. or just scaren the living daylights out of me friend at escondido last october when you practically lifted me off the ground with a hug. lol she just kind of stood wide eyed then didnt say anything for a long time.
  8. i think its just what veries from lass to lass some girls prefer muscle some dont some girls want money others want a real "man" who knows any more.
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