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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. good luck to ye miss
  2. i'll be searchen ebay....
  3. bunch of selfish pirates! oh wait.... um hmmmm i guess in light of the recent piracy epidemic in both film and music its good to keep a hold of the things you've made but at the same time i hope they dont take it to an all time low...
  4. tis a vast and wonderous hoard!
  5. lol aye yes excellent well i seen many a cosplayer from that manga at the expo of anime in july
  6. I would love to hear i fight between pirate and wench like in interview with a vampire "You think i would let them harm you" "Ofcourse you wont danger holds you to me" "Love holds you to me" of course seeing that most pirates are well not that romantic and the ones that are become play things for me cat and nine tails i doubt i shall ever see me wish fofilled. Also if ye sees a film called the tenth kingdom imagine a wench to a pirate "Whats that sticking out of your trousers its quite a buldge" (note above line is refering to the acters tail! not what it could sound like to ye without the cleanest of minds)
  7. i have so many random patches anymore i have not the space good luck to ye
  8. I've been looking for the same thing but i find on problem and that is me fat stocky legs they just dont fit in these god aweful little boots! good luck on your search
  9. i have a similar problem save with me its more of a picky buyer sindrum so in all honesty i can only wish ye patience till next fair with me i have to wait till the next pay check comes in
  10. Tis truly beautiful fabric to be sure enjoy it
  11. me thinks that be to itchy for the likes of me..... but if that be your fancy go ahead just dont stand around a fire.
  12. Tiss a sound looking vessil to be sure but me mather hath warned me that if i do bring home any more booty she kick mine
  13. aye but i dont think even that will attract me a man nice contacts though pretty pricy for me
  14. all i know is that singing that to a great white shark will get you aten sorry though i have not the words.
  15. i got me that album and i was truly impressed i was i think mostly with the song wrong company!
  16. I'm off to ye old land o disney to celebrate with a "real" band of "lively" cut throats! YO HO!
  17. I'll be there today after i get off work and celebrate speack like a pirate day with style
  18. http://www.goldcoastfestivals. Yeah its out in escondido and i would go but damn you mister starbucks! i can not if anyone dose go please give me a good report.
  19. I think i actually worked this one..... hmmmm need to try and remeber *think think think*
  20. After worken me landloven hours at my shop named after that there mr. Starbucks i'll be headed down to the land of disney to celebrate with a "real" lively crew....
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