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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. not that fawned of sequals but i will most likely enjoy it as long as i get me sparrow vs barbossa fight!
  2. but...but there legos! i mean a bunch of colored blocks that you stack ontop of each other you dont need rules!
  3. not really.... its very predictable and not really worth my time save your money for the potc sequal just like everyone else
  4. oh how i loath sequalls still it is nice to see barbossa is on the mend
  5. Your name: Malice Willow Occupation: Grunt Ship Name: Daimon Hunter # of ships you sacked: 229 How you died: A sudden drop and a short stop
  6. cant says that i have but i shall do some work to find it
  7. once again me thinks ye need to lighten up let landlovers have there day and enjoy at your leasure
  8. i do believe he's right miss just wait out the injury and then you can go back to those lovely flops of yours
  9. Tis only a portion of me Booty....Florida abounds with the stuff......Gift Shops......Flea Markets....even the big chain stores here carry all kinds of nautical stuff.....I picked up some of the pirate statues for $8 each.......I just aquires items as I goes along...now there is this fine wooden Frigate I have me eyes on at Walley World for about $40.....gotta sell more books so's I kin afford it though....lol KP Tat be why i be wanten to sail out of me home in southern california these landlovers dont know a thing about being truly into the pirate life they all asume its johnny depp and bloom
  10. Tis a true beautiful piece miss
  11. well that's interesting i supose
  12. i dont find them very comfortable but i have a friend that just loves them so i say it depends on what kind of person you are
  13. i'm with her on that the heal really scares me
  14. honestly the fact that you mentioned a car this means its going to get really tricky and honestly i dont really know that much about wemon fashion seeing as i'm just your local wench when i dress and now more over i'm more dressed for a fantasy world.... but to try and answer your question it sounds like Side hoops would work best and if its just for halloween remeber kiss (keep it simple sweetheart)
  15. Than you kindly me sis is a semstress and is always in need of bits and pieces
  16. i knew a quartermaster who bit me at a ren fair once i saw him a couple weeks ago and if i see him again and i'm not in chains i'll punch his lights out.
  17. This makes me so happy, along with all the other man bashing i've done today about my friend will who will forever be know as a BOGGARD! (who cant keep his mind on anything but geting what he wants) oops sorry of topic... man o man thats why i want to start my own ren fair guild!
  18. welcome back to port
  19. *smiles* Well i think i'll buy the next round while i weave this tale and as i told siren before however she can not testify that i can i shall give you a lick and a taste of what i can do. I was born Mary Bonney to a small time metal smith and his wife, in small town outside of london, in the year of our lord *snicker* 1645. Being that she was such a young and delicate thing my mother who was of irish birth, i believe, walked out on my father in the spring of 1648. He was a strong man who took his wifes leaving with a grain of salt or should i say a shot of whiskey. He no longer say wemon as a person whom he could share the undying passion that i knew had been there (he was also a bit of a poet) but instead as objects. He began to bring them home in the fall of 1650, these whorse he would find on the streets and i watched and learned from these wemon and my father how for a long time i believed wemon were to be treated. This of course i found to be dead wrong but who can blame me for all i had to learn from was a womanizing drunk and his whore. At the age of 15 i ran away from home only to get about as far as "The cock and bulls tavern" as it was called (okay okay i stole that from the poxy bogards). There i became a serving wench for a period of some 2.5 years or so in which i collected an education in hard knocks. And at the tender age of 17 she met a young man by the name of Andrew Fox who became a vital but not complete role in her become a bit bitter today. It was an inocent romance in the begining he had just come home from sea and stumbled into the tavern quite litteraly i'm afraid and landed right ontop of Mary. Stuned and a bit embarassed she shoved him off and ran behind the bar counter. Not the easiest meeting i assure you when he was well rested he apologized and they began to talk and imediatly she found herself in love. After a week had passed he told her that he had to ship out and gave her a ring demanding he wait for her. He never returned later it was told to her that his ship was taken up in a storm and all the crew presumed dead. For weeks she did not sleep or eat until one day the bartender at the cock and bulls began to show interest and within a month they were wed. She never forgave herself for marring that man. Within a week after the marrage she was planing to walk out. Soon the opertunity arouse when Mr. Fox came walking back into the tavern. Imeadeatly he callanged the bartender and the two steped out side. That night there were two pistol shots and each one claimed a life Mary Bonney had caused the death of two men with jealousy. This is where the story truly begins From then until present day she works her charms getting what she wants and then turning them away usually ending in blood. That is how she became Bloody Mary Bonney
  20. fantastic start sir look forward to further improvement
  21. i think i remeber seeing you before, oh well tis a lovely thing yes but right now i'm mor interested in looking for A)boots B)a good belt C) tankard good luck to ye miss
  22. its all in the spirit of fun good sir
  23. sorry mate i have no need for anything but boots
  24. ??? i think you've lost us
  25. my grandmother used to have one but i think we lost it when she passed sorry
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